Human balance suggestions

Human need better 1 base play. And thats usually rifle caster. The problem with rifle caster is that they are all weak hp units

So human need scroll of protection or scroll of instant healing in their shop at tier 2. Ud dont need that, they have statues. The problem for human is weak units who get aoed to death by stomp chain nova coil impale breath of fire fan etc

Also militia need some extra protection so i suggest 5 peasants being able to garrison in the town hall. So you can save your gold line fron aoe drive bys

That will actually nerf me a little bit as i sometimes go bloodmage harass in a human mirror but overall the peasants do need more protection. No need to change anything else specially not human late game. Thats powerful enough

Edit. And if u think scrolls in human shop is too op just realise that in the early game human is running hiding and weasling around againt basically everyone. Running from fs, tc, lich, dk, dh, keeper. And 1 wrong creepjack and it can be game over. So other races have better early map control so they can get scrolls easier from neutral shops and so human should get it in their shop. Even footing