How you managed to break the game font?

How you manage to release a version breaking the game font?
It’s something simple, and yet if there is a quality control team, they should have seen it

When making reports like this it might be a good idea to provide a screenshot and explanation as to how the font is broken.

There is a launch option that will change the font parameters back to before the .33 patch. I don’t recall what it is off the top of my head though.

It seems Intel HD Graphics (I have the 2500 one) aren’t working since 1.33
Do you have any idea if this will be fixed? Or do I have to buy a new one if I want to play?

I do not know but given the age of the GPU and it being an IGPU that could be considered below the minimum requirements it is unlikely to be fixed.

If it is not fixed on the current PTR build I suggest reporting it. It could also be an Intel graphic driver bug but Intel stopped supporting it in 2020 (driver updates are unlikely).

You really should, because integrated graphics are terrible in general and aren’t meant for modern games, more basic stuff and web browsing.

Thanks for the suggestions
I found a laptop I could afford with a radeon tm vega 8 graphics card
Do you think this would be enough for wc3? (I dont play any other games)

Do you think a radeon tm vega 8 graphics card would do the trick for wc3?
I dont really play or intend to play any other games

How do I Right Click

Why is my right click command for my mac not working in Warcraft 3 after I updated it?

The vega line is still plenty good enough for current gen games so yes it would be fine. A vega card is almost certainly overkill.

I don’t know, get a two button mouse and use that? Last I heard the game was not functioning on mac since a couple patches ago at all, so the fact that it’s working is news to me lol.

I was pretty sure option or command click was the equivalent of right click on Windows?

It’s Control - Click to right click but yeah it doesn’t work but I can indeed log onto a game and do everything else except that.

You aren’t using custom keys and bound some ingame command to that key by any chance? In whatever folder the game is storing your maps and save data in, there should also be a CustomKeyBindings/CustomKeys.txt folder/file. Though if you set this up, you probably would remember having done it. Also, it can be easily disabled by resetting to default options or changing “Preset Keybindings” in the Options menu → Input to Classic or Grid.

All I did was update the game after not playing it for a while and the right click doesn’t work so I guess I have to try and reset them back to default

Thanks for your help Captain!