Remove “Reveal map” settings when creating lobby and force all melee games to have default. For custom maps and campaigns this should be an option which the map maker decides what setting is most suited.
Remove “Handicap” setting in lobby and force all games to have 100% for all players.
Remove “Game speed” setting when creating lobby and force all games to be the fastest game speed.
Add custom campaigns back.
Add clans and profiles back as was promised: Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update — Player Profiles — Warcraft III: Reforged — Blizzard News
Add the missing Thrall demo campaign for classic mode in the prologue campaign (Riders on the Storm, The Fires Down Below and Countdown to Extinction).
Merge all the regions for custom games. We had this before Reforged! Now players barely join and you must wait 30 mins to get some games going and the general chat is rather empty.
Classic mode: Rexxar campaign:
a) Bug introduced with Reforged: The centaur named Khan Gragtor for the optional quest on Act 2 has the name “P” when you select him.
b) Please replace Drunken Brawler passive with some other type of passive such as Evasion for the optional panda hero Chen Stromstout. If you take all strength and agility tomes with Chen he becomes so overpowered which makes the game too easy with the 6x damage critical strike Drunken Brawler.
c) Why is the cooldown on items in shops so long in Rexxar campaign? If I want to buy 2 tomes of strength or 2 masks of death I have to wait too long. Better make it so you can buy maxiumum 1 of each item from all shops to also increase difficulty.
d) On Act 3 the human transport ships have 1800 hp but they should have 1500 hp to make it consistent with other maps.
e) Shockwave spell of Cairne Bloodhoof on critters is bugged. Shockwave only kills if you directly click shockwave on a critter, but if you cast shockwave near the critter on the ground the critters don’t die eventhough the shockwave hits them. -
Add a “brutal difficulty mode” for all campaigns.
Delete “Share units” option when creating a lobby and force it to the default setting for all “custom games” (so you chose who you want to share your units with after a map has started, rather than all your units are automatically shared with all your teammates at the start of a map). For “Versus games” share units should be disabled so you cannot share units at all, only if your teammate leaves you should be able to control his/her units.
Delete “Save game” for multiplayer and custom games. Only keep it for campaign.
Remove “Random hero” option when creating lobby and force it to off.
Add back Thrall’s original roar audio when Grom dies in the epic cinematic. Why did you ruin the most epic cinematic even when I play on classic mode?!
Original: Warcraft 3 Story ► Grom Hellscream VS Mannoroth Cinematic - Orc Campaign - YouTube
Reforged: Grom Hellscream VS Mannoroth [REFORGED] - Warcraft 3 Reforged - YouTube -
Delete “Patrol” completely from command card. This is a useless feature since Warcraft 2 and Starcraft 1. Players should click with mouse to move units, not automatically move around. This would free up another space in command card for passive spell info and for custom maps where you have more spells with heroes.
“Enhanced Toolstips” in options should be forced to on and then removed from options. For custom maps it’s a bad experience to play without this set to on and with Blizzard also changing spells etc. in multiplayer it is necessary to have it.
“Enable Formation movement toggle” in gameplay options should be forced off and then deleted from options. The “Formation movement” button next to the minimap when you play a map should be forced on and then removed (so ranged are in back and melee in front) however delete the movement speed altering. You can just manually click with your mouse in different locations to move your units as one gathered group, there is no need for any movement slowdown even for AI.
“Movement sounds” in options should be forced to on and then deleted from options.
Display move speed in numbers such as “230” instead of the words “Very slow, Slow, Fast” etc. when you hover mouse on a unit’s armor. This would be very helpful in all maps! (Do not change it for attack speed! Only move speed!)
Female death knight model in classic mode looks like Arthas with makeup, completely broken and unfinished model.
The main menu has poor design at the moment:
a) Start by moving “Campaign” into “Single player” submenu for it to make more sense.
b) Make it only 1 button to load game (right now there are several buttons to load games in the menu such as one in the “campaign selection” and one in “single player” which is bad design).
c) Selecting “Credits” will kick you out from a lobby, it should be moved to the main menu rather than be in the “=” symbol submenu in the bottom right of screen.
d) When I create a lobby I am able to use report button in the lobby (bottom left) to report my own game name. This button should be hidden when you are the host.
e) The “lock chat button” in main menu for the chat box should be deleted, there is no point to lock it because it blocks other UI suchs as map descriptions when joining custom games etc.
f) The information “Suggested players” and “Map size” which appears when you select a lobby in the custom games list should be removed. It would be better if this information was only displayed when you are inside a lobby.
g) Delete the button with the “arrow pointing northwest icon” which enlarges the chat box so it takes up almost entire screen. This is the most useless feature and looks like a mobile game when it is used. It is enough only having the button with the “arrow pointing north icon” which makes the chat box taller.
h) Delete the “Options” button found in the login screen because there already is an “Options” button when you click the the “=” symbol in bottom right corner in the main menu (Login screen is found when you click “Logout” and then click the button with the red globe icon).
i) When I click “Logout” while in custom games section most of the UI becomes grayed out and you can only go back to the main menu. It would be better if when you click “Logout” that it should directly take you to the login screen, and from there you decide if you want to login or if you want to play offline.
j) In the login screen I can’t login with my Google account or Apple account etc. I can login with my Google account in Battlenet App, but not if I logout in-game and try to login in-game, I have to exit the game to login. -
“Ambient Sounds” and “Environmental Effects” in sound options is the same. Merge those two into one and call it “Ambient Sounds”.
The “Storm, earth and fire song” (Power of the Horde) was ruined when a “crowd cheering audio” was added in the song. This completely ruins a perfect and epic song that we enjoyed for many years. Please give us back the original song without crowd cheering audio, the way it was before Reforged!
When creating a lobby and you go to the “DOWNLOAD” folder there are loads of melee maps and all of them have a separate folder each. All those melee maps should be deleted from the “DOWNLOAD” folder. It is currently very frustraiting to host custom games because you have to scroll through those melee maps in the “DOWNLOAD” folder. Those melee maps already exist in “FROZENTHRONE” folder and they seem to be duplicate in “DOWNLOAD” folder.
When browsing custom games and you select a lobby in the list, even if you have the map it will say “MAP PREVIEW UNAVAILABLE” and the picture won’t show.
You’ve stated you’re not going to release “Warcraft 2” game on Battlenet app or make a remaster of it, but can we at least get the soundtrack from “Warcraft 2” in “Warcraft 3” when playing multiplayer and custom games? Similar to how Starcraft 2 got soundtrack from Starcraft 1 (Undead gets the orc soundtracks, Night Elf gets the human soundtracks).
“Linking classic account” found in options didn’t work for many including myself when Reforged was released and it still doesn’t work. Text currently in options: "If you by now haven’t logged in to your classic Warcraft III account for 3+ months, it has most likely expired and can no longer be accessed ". Linking classic account button should be deleted because 3+ months has passed since Reforged was released.
When the host in a lobby closes slots it will show for instance that there are “15/24 players” for others browsing custom games even if only 3 players are in that lobby. This needs to be addressed because hosts can then close slots in the lobby to falsely give the impression that the lobby is filled with many players. Closing slots will actually make more players join your lobby, however this makes it exhausting to be the host because you have to constantly close and open slots. My suggestion is very simple: If it is a closed slot (or a computer AI) in the lobby it should not count as a player! So a map allowing maximum 24 players with 3 players in the lobby and 10 closed slots should display “3/24 players”.
When playing a game and you press “F12” to open the Chat/Messaging the option “Send to Observers” should be deleted from the game. We can just use the “All” to send to observers instead.
Ignoring other players is still a mystery: When I press “F12” while playing a game to open the Chat/Messaging window there is information regarding the “/squelch” command. However when I right-click a player in the chat box in the main menu I can “Ignore” a player. Why do we have 2 ways of blocking players? There should only be 1 way to block a player, the “Squelch” command should therefore be deleted from the game. How do you “Unignore” a player? I can’t find my ignore list. Does “Reporting” a player automatically add that player to my ignore list?
If you by accident ban a player from your lobby, how do you unban?
Still many wrong descriptions of items and what actual stats they provide, especially when you play campaign, for instance claw and medallion of courage items.
The campaigns should have the multiplayer balance changes. “The Reign of Chaos campaign maps” have terrible balance and “The Frozen Throne campaign maps” also have terrible balance. Blizzard has said many times that the campaigns were made to introduce players to the game before you go play multiplayer. Yet Blizzard doesn’t fix the campaigns, for new players it is very confusing as to why unit stats etc. changes in each campaign map and why it isn’t the same stats as in multiplayer.
For instance: 10hp/s regen with burrow should be changed to 5hp/s as was done in multiplayer, when playing as Muradin “Storm Bolt” doesn’t have the recent nerf, Undead black citadel has the high piercing dmg instead of the low piercing dmg with slow effect, Night elf archers missing the “pierce and spell dmg reduction passive”, Frost wyrm has piercing attack instead of magic attack and peasants die too fast because they don’t have the +10 maximum hp balance change and loads of other balance fixes are missing for the campaigns! -
Reconnect feature as has been suggested by others. Best way to make this work: When you get disconnected from a game (not manually pressing “Quit game/Exit game”), there should to be a button in-game as well as in the main menu to reconnect to last game, maximum 1 reconnect per game and you get maximum 1 minute time to reconnect before reconnect button is blocked/grayed out, other player wait maximum 1 minute for other player to reconnect before winning.
For custom games which are not melee maps: Add it as an option only for map creators to decide if it should be “On” or “Off” and default should be “Off” since it would break a lot of maps if map makers didn’t put effort into fixing bugs related to this feature.
For multiplayer (versus) and melee maps in custom games: Force it to “On”. -
Add “Ranked play” as was promised, but don’t add “unranked”. If you want to “sharpen your skills” you should simply play melee maps in custom games instead of adding an excessive unranked mode: Warcraft III: Reforged Developer Update – Ranked Play — Warcraft III: Reforged — Blizzard News
The report option should be removed from when you right-click the default “Lobby” and “Whispers” channels in the chat box, the way it is for the “W3 General” channel. If you want to report a specific player you can just right-click their name instead or report a custom channel, but you should not be able to report the default channels.
Please force “Spells” setting in video options to always be “High” and then remove it from options. I want chain lightning to look like chain lightning and it should look the same for all players since it is a gameplay setting which can be abused by pros, not to mention how much unnecessary work is needed to create 3 different versions of each spell and some maps will cause desync if you don’t set it to “High”.
When I add a friend or someone else adds me in-game they don’t appear in my Battletnet app, they only appear in friends list in-game. There is like a separate friends list in-game when you play on different regions compared to Battlenet app which is confusing.
Bug which sometimes happens: When you host a game in custom games and then leave your lobby, then join someone else’s lobby of a different map, then join a different lobby of the map you first hosted it will cause you to join a bugged lobby and when you exit the lobby all games in the list in custom games disappear and you have to exit the game.
Some maps can only be played in “Classic mode” and cause desync if you play in “Reforged mode”. There needs to be an option for map makers to automatically force to “Classic mode” for all players during loading screen of the map, when players have finished playing the map and return to the main menu the game should automatically reset itself to “Reforged mode” if you had it enabled before joining the map.
When someone presses ESC button during a cutscene in multiplayer custom games the text will disappear but the cutscene will still continue. This needs to be fixed by making it so text doesn’t disappear when someone presses ESC, because pressing ESC during cutscene in multiplayer doesn’t skip the cutscene as many players think. This has been an issue since legacy.
When dialogue in-game is played the 3D portrait of your currently selected unit is replaced with the portrait of the character that is speaking which is bad design since you then can’t see the hp of your selected unit and you can’t target yourself with a spell directly on your select unit’s portrait. In Starcraft 2 it was fixed by moving the 3D portrait of the character that is speaking to mid-left side of the screen rather than to overlap the 3D portrait of your selected unit.
Add an option in video options to be able to select the old 3D main menu backgrounds. Who wouldn’t want the cool 3D main menu backgrounds of night elves, the frozen throne etc. as we previously had? The new main menu backgrounds look cheap.
“Fade occluding objects” in gameplay options needs some serious improvement. Sometimes trees and breakable rocks fade even though there are no units behind or near them which is distracting. Breakable gates fading even though nothing is visually hidden by them in certain angles.
Delete the “Random Races” in advanced option when creating a lobby. Players can choose for themselves if they want random race when selecting race in the lobby. The majority of players don’t like random race and forcing all players to play random will make players leave the lobby.
If observers (for instance “Referee” option") are allowed when creating a lobby you can’t see how many or who is currently observing when you’re playing the map. Please make it so observers are listed in the “Allies window”.
Most players don’t know what observer type “Referee” does, there needs to be information regarding this advanced option when creating a lobby. It would be best just to rename the observer options to: “No observers, Observers on defeat, Full observers chat enabled, Full observers chat disabled”.
There is a weird status message sometimes appearing in friends list regarding a friend’s current status: “PRESENCE_CUSTOMGAMES_PLAYING”. It also says “Browsing Custom Games” even though my friend is in a lobby, why doesn’t it display “In Lobby: (Lobby name here)” instead?
I can’t see “friend’s note” in friends list in the main menu which I can see in Battlenet app.
Bring back the old 3D portrait pictures for player profiles (Add them in Collection).
There needs to be a notification icon on the “friends button” in main menu when someone wants you to accept them as their friend.
Sometimes you get an error when joining lobbies in custom games saying something similar to “the game may be closed by the host”, but then when closing the error message you might appear in the lobby anyway which is strange.
When I select my units they appear on the HUD (maximum 12 unit portraits), the problem is when a unit dies all the unit portraits on the HUD of the selected units reposition themselves. It’s very easy to target the wrong unit with spells etc. when it does this. In Starcraft 2 it was fixed so that unit portraits on the HUD of your selected units don’t resposition when units die.
The filters “Players, Game name, Map name and Ping” in “Custom games” list are poorly designed. First of all “Game name” in “Custom games” list gets cut off so you can’t read entire game name even though there is a maximum allowed characters limit set, please fix so we can read entire game name. “Players” tab should exist but you should not be able to use it as a filter! Because then lobbies with 1 player are really hard to fill up since people will just filter and join games that are almost full at the top of the list. “Ping” tab should be deleted, instead add “Ping” to only display below the “JOIN” button on right side of screen when you select a lobby in the custom games list (to only show ping for that specific lobby which you have selected, instead of displaying all pings for all lobbies in the list at the same time).
When you right-click a lobby in the “Custom games” list there is an option “Whisper host” which should be deleted. You can’t whisper someone unless they’re in your friends list so this “Whisper host” option is useless.
If you right-click the “Whispers” channel in the chat after you have whispered someone and click “Leave channel” it will say “Could not find channel.”. Please make it so you can leave the “Whispers” channel, so you can clear the names of the players who whispered you (so the players who you whispered aren’t stuck in the “Whispers” channel until you exit the game).
For players who want to set their own custom hotkeys there is no menu for it. You have to open some “.txt” file to edit hotkeys but in other Blizzard games such as Starcraft 2 you can set custom hotkey directly in-game with a menu showing all units and buildings.
Item priority when carrying mask of death and different types of orbs and which orb effect is active is extremely difficult to learn since it lacks descriptions and is poorly designed. There needs to be information in mask of death item description that it disables effect of orb items. All orb items need the description that only one orb effect can be active if you carry multiple and that their position in the inventory determines which orb effect is active. If you play as Tyrande hero her arrow-autoshot ability makes mask of death and orbs not work, either fix it or add a description to her arrow-autoshot ability that it disables orb effects and mask of death.
The “arranged team feature” for custom games doesn’t work. It would be great if you could invite a friend to a party so you can join a lobby in “custom games” together (This would make things easier for everyone since there would be less “I’m waiting for a friend” requests for the lobby leader to handle, no need to whisper lobby name to friend or send invite, no need to kick random players in lobby to wait for friend to join etc.)
Please force “Allied Victory” to always be “on” and remove it from “Allies” window. This is the most useless option which nobody ever manually clicks. Make it so map makers can set it to “off” for their custom maps if they want.
Some units, such as avatar of vengeance and phoenix egg, have both spell immune passive and resistant skin passive. There is no point having both, because spell immune passive covers everything the resistant skin passive does.
Classic mode: Departures prologue campaign map: When you have rescued Grom from the cage, in the cutscene Thrall says “Grom” but for some reason in the dialogue text it’s written “Grommash”, please fix this typo.
Classic mode: Widescreen cutscene issue: Departures prologue campaign map: In the cutscene where you have rescued Grom from a cage a grunt appears saying the horde is ready to sail on human ships, problem is the grunt appears out of nowhere, need to be fixed so the grunt spawns outside the camera view.
Classic mode: In The Prince and the prophet cutscene: When Medivh meets Arthas on the road in the cutscene Medivh flies away in raven form, but then Medivh flies back to his original postion at the road next to Arthas.
Classic mode: The Oracle campaign map: Thrall says “he never saw any sheep in this land” and then the sheep turn into footmen but many footmen become neutral and don’t attack (On Hard difficulty mode).
Infernals don’t take damage when they hit orc buildings with spiked barricades. Either fix it so they do take damage or add a description to the spike upgrade in lumber mill for orcs saying that it damages all melee attackers except Infernals who are magic immune (but it’s very strange why spikes are considered to be magic).
Classic mode: By Demons be driven campaign map: After the cutscene which shows Infernals appearing from the sky there is a bug with a few peons which stop mining the goldmine and you have to order them to the gold mine again.
Please replace most of the scrolls in “Reign of chaos campaign” with runes instead, it’s annoying having to drop an item from inventory just to pick up a scroll, especially after combat where scrolls were obviously placed to be used directly when found.
Classic mode: Widescreen cutscene issue: The Broken Isles campaign map: When you finish the optional quest given by Drakthul there is a cutscene which briefly shows doors to the tomb but on the sides there is nothing, it’s just a door with a skull but no walls or anything it’s just standing by itself on a random location, please fix it by adding walls next to it.
Classic mode: Widescreen cutscene issue: The tomb of Sargeras campaign map: In the first cutscene that shows the shamans run, on the right side you can see shamans run into a wall, please fix by making them run to a better location. There is another issue with this cutscene, the gate is alive during Guldan dialogue part, but then you can see when the gate breaks on right side of screen when Maiev is there after Guldan has spoken all his dialogue. This needs to be fixed so we can’t see when the gate breaks.
Classic mode: Night elf transport ships have different maximum health in night elf missions with Maiev. For instance in Wrath of the betrayer campaign map night elf transport ships have 900 hp, but in The Broken Isles campaign map the night elf transport ships have 1500 hp. Can we please have same hp on units for all maps!
Classic mode: Wrath of the betrayer campaign map: There is a bug with health bars disappearing and reappearing randomly, this happens on this map because of the thunderstrike screen effect (screen flash).
Classic mode: Widescreen cutscene issue: Balancing the scales campaign map: At the last cutscene after you win when Tyrande chases Illidan we can see Tyrande standing still on the left edge of screen near Illidan and his naga and then after a moment she runs after Illidan. This needs to be fixed by giving Tyrande a different starting position.
Classic mode: Shards of the alliance campaign map: Please make it so we can see Kael’s inventory which items he got, right now you can’t see his inventory even though he is a hero and on your team. In addition, please make all the items in his inventory transition to the next map (The ruins of dalaran campaign map) even the items which you give to him.
Classic mode: The Brothers Stormrage campaign map: The trees north of your naga base near gold mine have unlimited wood. Please fix so they become normal trees!
Classic mode: A dark covenant campaign map: In the final cutscene when you win it shows 3 knights in red color behind Garithos (as if the 3 knights were mine), but they should be light blue color (as if owned by Garithos). Same thing with Jailor Kassan as he appears red color rather than light blue color in the cutscene at the end.
Classic mode: The dungeons of dalaran campaign map: In the cutscene at the start Lady Vashj’s arrow is invisible when she fires her bow to free Kael from prison.
Classic mode: Lord of outland campaign map:
a) All infernals are bugged, they are not immune to magic as in other maps!
b) Farms give 10 food each rather than default and Corbal Beds give 10 food instead of 15 food. Please fix so it is consistent!
c) The main objective is to kill Magtheridon, but then in the final cutscene Magtheridon and Illidan talk even though you killed Magtheridon. This makes no sense! Please make it so Magtheridon survives with 1 hp (similar to mechanics of the enemy guarding entrance to Frostmourne in the human campaign) and change objective to “Greatly wound Magtheridon” rather than “Kill Magtheridon”. -
Classic mode: King Arthas campaign map: You can’t buy Sacrificial Skull item in any of the Tomb of relics buildings because it says you need a graveyard, but in this map you’re not supposed to build anything. This has been a bug since reforged was released.
Classic mode: All campaign maps: Some cages cannot be broken while others can be broken. Please make all campaign maps consistent by changing so all the untargetable and unbreakable cages become breakable, it’s so strange that some cages can’t even be targeted while others can.
Remove “Team colored life bars” in gameplay options and force it to off. It is completely useless since we can already see which units belong to which player because the units themselves have colors! Units such as heroes also have a glow based on color around them and units in warcraft 3 have more color on them compared to units in Starcraft 2 (“Team colored life bars” option was obviously directly copied from Starcraft 2).
Classic mode: Twilight of the Gods campaign map: Thrall casts chain lightning spell on Archimonde in the cutscene after the orc base has been destroyed, this makes no sense since Archimonde is immune to magic. Please fix this cutscene by changing so Thrall attacks Archimonde once with a normal attack instead of cast chain lightning.
Reforged mode: Please delete the new cinematic Arthas vs Illidan, it is terrible. Make a new better one or add back the old.
Warcraft 3 and Battlenet App issues:
a) Warcraft 3 is named wrong in the Battlnet app. It should be named “Warcraft III: Reforged” but right now it says only “Warcraft III” everywhere in the Battlenet app such as in the shop, when you right-click system tray icon etc. (Diablo 2 got the correct name which is “Diablo II: Resurrected”).
b) “Classic Diablo 2” and “classic Starcraft 1” are available in the Battlnet shop while “classic Warcraft 3” is not available. If someone only wants to play “classic Warcraft 3” they are forced to the buy the 30 euro reforged version. Why?!
c) If you click “Shop” in Battlenet app and then click “Warcraft 3”, then you can’t find “Spoils of war edition” because it isn’t listed under “Games” section, it only appears on the actual game page of “Warcraft III: Reforged” in the shop (Compared to “Starcraft 2 digital deluxe” or “Diablo 2 prime evil collection” which both appear on their respective game pages, why isn’t this fixed for Warcraft 3?).
d) I have only classic Warcraft 3 installed and it’s not showing the “green up arrow icon” on Warcraft III: Reforged and the “spoils of war edition” in the Battlnet app shop even though those are both upgrades for me.
e) Why does “The Celebration Collection” have no rewards/content for Warcraft 3?: Battle.net
f) The price is simply too high (currently 30 euro) for Warcraft 3: Reforged and not even given a discount if you owned the old original game and its expansion. -
Priest will heal a unit even if that unit is only missing 1hp, hence overhealing with 24 and not healing a unit which is more wounded.
Loads of units and buildings are still missing their passive ability in command card related to research updates.
Add anti-spam in the chat channels in the menu. Also add anti-spam in-game when you play a map. Ever played with a guy who spams so entire screen is blocked with letters while you try to play a map? Why hasn’t blizzard fixed this yet?
Teleport for Arch Mage and Jaina heroes is missing description that their teleport spell with freeze the targeted unit or structure!
Please make it so when you left-click an open slot in lobby instead of only having the “Add computer” just display the 3 options right away “Computer Easy, Normal and Insane”, to reduce the amount of clicking needed to add a computer insane in a lobby.
Well you see if they removed the share controll the in games like zombie survival you’d be body blocked.
Todo lo que dices me lleva a pensar a que nunca jugaste con amigos de forma casual.
It’s an option for a reason. If someone sees that it’s enabled, they can just leave. It’s not the game’s fault if the person wants to use it. And if the custom map is broken by it, that’s not the game’s fault either, that’s on the map developer. And the person who enabled it in the first place if they knew the map wasn’t designed with that option being enabled in mind.
Again, it’s an option. You can just leave if you don’t like it. The game became a sensation even though the original had it all this time. Taking away options from a player is never good.
While World of Warcraft does not have a speed setting per sé, you can modify your movement speed with certain abilities.
And Counter Strike is made in the Source engine, where you can use a console command to change the speed of the game - host_timescale
That’s not the game’s fault. And custom games can most definitely require save games, especially the longer ones that you play alone. And not just RPGs.
Says who?
Starcraft 2 and Warcraft 3 are very different, you’re comparing a dog to a cat.
Any features that were removed from the original were the wrong features to remove.
All in all, you’re talking nonsense.
A game is fixed by adding the missing items and fixing bugs. Not giving players options.
Otherwise we can do it my way. Take away the normal vs. I don’t play it so we’re better off without it. Competitive is toxic.
Campaign only and personalized.
The team that made reforged has been fired, this is no surprise since the poor quality we have all experienced. I have taken time to update my suggestion list.
I wouldn’t mind if Blizzard hired me for 6 months as project lead and let me be in charge of quality. I’ve played since “warcraft 2”, even still got the Playstation 1 CD of Warcraft 2. I will wait for blizzard to contact me and fly me to Blizz office.
So basically almost all points are - Delete this option or force this ON/OFF and remove that option from the game as well.
Come on, dude, seriously?!
Delete EVERYTHING - Game fixed.
Wow you should be a game dev.
absolutely clueless, no mention of reconnect feature, and most mentions are just removing features for niche things some players use every so often.
Who cares about body blocking.
I’m really wondering why this guy has not been hired by Blizzard yet…
invests more work into this than the entire reforged Team. funny.
I don’t think I played through the campaigns in Reforged. Did they really remove the roar after Grom dies from the cinematic? WTF?
I would like the servers and oceanic realms to have at least 20-100 ping. It’s literally another world being able to play with low ping on ladder. I play Heroes of the Storm where I’m lucky enough to get 30 ping as my average lowest on Australian server. When I visit US server on HOTS, I get the same ping on Reforged. While on US server, I try and play my “go-to” heroes but I can’t make an impact let alone land skill shots, so I have to play really safe heroes on there. When I switch back to my AU server, I can land every skill shot under the sun and set up wombo combos and make da plays. So this leads me to my next conclusion where WC 3 Reforged is more micro intensive and ping counts for even more.
I can imagine the intricate moves, strats, surrounds and proper ways to play different types of heroes and armies if I had low ping on here.
Oh god that’s awful. What in the hell. . . . that’s not even a slight difference. It’s completely different and devoid of that lasting impact that the first one had.
Finally, here’s an example of a high ping game with top tier profile players. They both had similar ping to what I play and in this match, they played how the average players played with high ping.
We all know that ToD can micro his hero and footies from brink of death and do a lot of tricky plays, but in this match it was a bloodbath from both sides due to high ping (180-200 ping which I experience). This is a prime example of what I’m talking about and why not just I, but a lot of other players feel that we’re being held back and can’t improve any further than the ping and latency offered.
How can you say the top tier players are the best in the world when everyone else’s potential is rigged. When I vs Pro-Korean players that have 20 pings, they strategize instantly during a fight and split their armies and go for my backline by the time I even move my army forward to attack. That’s how I could think and react if I wasn’t locked in with such a bad latency. Blizzord, you speak of equality. Then I ask, where is my equality of equal low ping and fair fight in a game?
The game ping was almost close to even as well. Please Blizzard, give us 20-100 ping! I watch all those plays by Happy, Grubby, Foggy, ToD and more and I know I could do something similar if I had low ping and with practice!
These remove customizations that currently exist. They exist for a reason. If you do not like them, you can always host your own game with the settings you like. Custom map makers can already bypass/override them in game using triggers.
Patrol is very useful for custom maps and is used heavily. It also is a staple of most RTS games.
Used by the game engine to keep attack waves in formation. Without it an entire new AI system would be needed with waypoints similar to StarCraft II.
Classic does not use shadows hence does not need the option. Shadows specifically refer to real time computed shadows used by the Reforged graphic mode. Classic uses blob shadows which are terrain images that follow a unit around. If the blob shadows currently work is another question and something I have not checked recently.
Ambient Sounds should refer to nature noises or dungeon groans. Environmental Effects should refer to sound environments which transform output sound such as dungeon echoes or snow quite-ness.
Send to observers sends to observers only, and not allies or enemies. All sends to everyone. It has uses as a result so should not be removed.
This is not possible and happens in practically no complex RTS game, such as StarCraft II. This is to prevent melee balance updates potentially making the campaign unwinnable or unable to be completed. Custom maps are also given this protection from melee balance changes by default, with map authors specifically having to opt out of it and potentially face the consequences for doing so.
You’re a bloody troll dude, remove features in the game that people make use of ? gtfo