I’ve compared the current WC3 graphics to the new ones, and I think I know why the new graphics look off.
Too much detail and small things, compared to the old graphics that were cleaner, simpler, more cartoony.
The armor in the current WC3 isn’t as shiny. The new graphics have too much armor shine.
The current WC3 has more crisp and bold colors. The new graphics seem to have too much washed out color, and too much color variation within the same units.
Compare the new footman and the new. The old one has 2 colors: silver and team color. These colors were very crisp and differentiated. Compare this to the new footman, there the silver isn’t as crisp, and too washed out. and it has so much details and color variation, like on the shield and armor that wasn’t there before. As Grubby pointed out, the rim of the shield is very clear in the current graphics due to the crisp and highly differentiated colors, but it’s harder to notice in the new.
Another useful comparison: Old Dreadlord vs the new. At 0:41 Warcraft III: Reforged Gameplay Trailer - YouTube
You can see the wings of the old don’t have holes. The extra details of wing holes (from WoW?) don’t look right in WC3. And the old wings have very bold green team color over the entire wing, whereas the new is a washed out green, that is greener at the top and darker at the bottom.
The buildings have too much details, too many pointed corners, and minor things that weren’t there before.