Have they given us access to the original Warcraft yet?

So I know Blizzard management have room temp IQs. but have they given us the og games back yet? I’m still playing them anyway, but it’d be nice if I could officially do so.

If you mean Warcraft 1 & 2, they are available through Good Old Games, along with the first 2 Diablo games with their respective expansions.

If you mean pre-Reforged WC3, then no. Only way to access that is by owning a CD and installing an older version, then manually patching it to the desired version (And blocking the game from accessing the internet in your firewall so it doesn’t update to Reforged status)

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Actually Warcraft 1 and 2 and Diablo 1 are now also available through Blizzard’s online store. The GoG versions are DRM-free buts I’m not sure if it’s the same case with the Blizzard shop versions.(It probably is as I doubt they bothered to roll back any of the features GoG made but who knows?)

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In fahrenheit or celsius?
You can buy War2 for just 10 euro now.

Why yes, they did in fact give us access to the original Warcraft:

Both games and Diablo I (including hellfire) are now also available on battle.net, and more or less unmodified from their original releases. the battle.net UI really doesn’t like newer windows versions though…