A remaster of Wc3 (regardless of its fancy name)
1 - Be faithful to the original game.
2 - Be faithful to the Warcraft IP.
3 - Be faithful and suit in an RTS game.
Reforged is like:
1 - Not faithful to the original game.
2 - Opposite of warcraft IP, aka its realistic high detailed, compared to stylish cartoony.
3 - Not suited for an RTS game.
Conclusion, the visual upgrade over warcraft 3 with the project of Reforgeds was at best mind numbingly average, and at worst, complete betrayal.
It is what i like to call, making a Mario game but putting realistic detailed models from The Last of US, or Uncharted in Mario, and have those models cos play and dress in Mario cloths.
You get Reforged.
Art is subjective, but good art and bad art exist. there is no denial of that.
That’s why you can’t say a 6 yo kids painting compares to a skilled artist.
What you say can be applied if the were just making Wc4 aka a new game.
But to betray and go to the complete opposite of the art style of the original game can be objectively pointed out. whether or not someone likes the Reforged visuals, there is no denial that the art style and graphical overhaul of the game has made Classic War3 graphics and Reforged complete opposite of eachother. instead of complimenting one another which is more preferable. Reforged is realistic graphics, War3 Classic is stylish cartoony. there is objectively no way to deny this fact. the critique many give including me is why go away from stylish cartoony and betray the fans who came to you for set reason in the first place ? why can’t the ones who loved classic graphics be rewarded with a remaster that keeps the graphics and art style to stylish cartoony ? subjectivity is thrown out the window when someone is planning on returning an older product that is beloved back to life. saying to people who don’t like it to switch back to Classic is like insulting them, saying that they don’t deserve for the visuals to be remade but still kept faithful. and that Blizzard is free to reshape the face of the product that made them popular in an entirely different way.
There is also the little point i mentioned about RTS. and Warcraft 3. the Reforged visuals are objectively unfitting for an RTS game.
So no, this game is one of the rare examples where subjectivity and feeling has nothing to do with people wanting a remade visuals that keeps faithful to the graphics and art style of the original product.
Also if you can’t tell a difference between a stylish cartoony game like Heros of the Storm and Reforged which looks like a mobile game cos playing as Warcraft ip characters. then you can happily ignore all my post and return to your imaginary bubble.