Grubby: "Balance is worse now than it has ever been"

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I think it would be a good idea to let Grubby, Moon, Sky and Ted (or alternatively active progamers) do the balance changes instead of the Classic Games team.
The guys from the Classic Games team had their chance and showed that they don’t know much about competitive Warcraft 3.


after playing different blizzard games for years (wow , hearthstone and ow pvp) i can say for sure that blizzard make stuff op and up intentionally. they don’t want a balance game. they just wanna switch the power from 1 thing (race , hero , class etc) to another constantly. that’s why i start to hate blizzard pvp.


Hearthstone is one of those games where you want shift balance around, wow is just too hard for them to balance properly since it changes so much, RTS need to be balanced however, and it’s definitely not their goal, otherwise they would’ve messed with starcraft’s balance as well.

The classic team is just trying new stuff, and some of it didnt turn well. They can progressively nerf it and itll be fine. They are just taking way too long to fix insane imbalances like kotg alchemist mgs, that should’ve been hotfixed fast when it was detected.


No, Dota had “active progamers” balance it and it got turned into a terrible game with heroes that are ONLY playable by a handful of players in the world.

Yes, 5 players or so abusing a hero with very complex mechanics caused the entire playerbase of 12.5 million unique players per month (at the time) to not be able to play said heroes in ranked anymore (techies, earth spirit, oracle, etc.)

I absolutely hate the fun being taken out of a game just because some pro players “abuse it”, I don’t care if they abuse it, if people do it it’s most of the time cause it’s fun.

See: Navi ti3 fountain hooking.

Did they have to do it to win? No, of course not… they intentionally picked Pudge/Chen (pudge who wasn’t that good in pro games) reducing their chances of winning just to have fun fountain hooking.

They won in the end and people complained, so what? it was a mechanic in the game and it was fun, everyone was excited looking at it, why should a game be balanced ENTIRELY for pro players when pro players play for the viewers not for themselves, they earn money from having lots of viewers who are enjoying the games.

Right now, I see a lot of fun stuff happening on ladder, I see people consistently playing other heroes on Orc outside of just BM every single game, I see humans playing at least 2 heroes (AM and MK).

I do not think that balancing it in a way of enabling more strategies is bad per se, however… It is bad when everything is taken to a 1/1 level cause it becomes a rock paper scissors type of deal after that…

Play 6.7X - 6.8X in Dota and then play 7.00+ patches, you will absolutely have way more fun in 6.XX versions than in 7.00 ones.

I honestly have no trust in pro players in not putting their bias in too, most of them will want the race that they cannot use nerfed.

I think 1.30.3 needs to come out then the community decides if KOTG is still too strong, after that in addition to (if needed) some more tweaks to it, there should be buffs for a hero that is incompatible with KOTG so that Elves can choose to pick either KOTG or said hero first rather than rush KOTG. Remember that before it was just boring DM vs BM matches.

tl;dr: Game designers should be the primary source of balance for the game, and they should take a LOT of input from progamers before they decide to nerf something from complaints, and/or enable other strategies instead of outright nerfing it.
When progamers/a few loud voices become the source of balancing for the game then the game is left as a lifeless corpse.


Whoa community decides… like the one here that has no clue of 1 on ? And only plays custom games and the most casual modes 3v3 4v4? Cool story. Balance team + pro players, that’s where balance should be decided, it is how it is decided currently. I think they used some HUman feedback recently.

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The balance should be decided by the developers, pro players AND the community, to build a consense.

The mindset of a proplayer rather accept the game how it is, they rather search the mistakes in there play and strategys, other than the game.
But of course, they also have there opinions, If they are biased towards a race or not.
There opinons are usualy more competent than the normal battlenet players are, but that does definitely not mean, the ladder players should be ignored.

If more and more bnet players keep complaining about the same thing, blademaster (windwalk for now) or tanks for example, it should become a thing to look at.
But that also mean, they should NOT act immediately and become dictated by the community or proplayers.

Its about to build a consense of the feedback, discuss it very carefully, and then come to a conclusion.

Thats why I keep saying: Everything you want to be changed, in terms of balance, needs a well rounded argumentation. Otherwise, a “rofl so OP !!! pls fix LUL” doesnt help anybody.

For now, I just think, balancing takes a place a little bit under the technical aspects of the game, thats why everything takes so long…


Guys you are really lucky that David Kim is not working on this, some ideas that he had on SC2 were far beyond being utterly retarded (like swarm hosts or Mothership Black Hole)


What’s supposed to be broken right now OTHER than kotg?
T2 orc armor? Or what?

People will never be happy with balance and will never learn you can never truly balance a PvP game.


Kotg, HU vs UD matchup (according to some pros like Hawk and Tod), undead can kite too easy and nuke the only cc humans have (MK), its like reverse Orc vs Hu but with the absence of speedscroll.

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Grubby fan-boys are the worst. Why so many want this guy to be in charge of balancing is beyond me. He’s Orc biased. Plain and simple.

I don’t think people realize that this game is just very trendy. People watch Moon or whoever, and see what he can do with the KOTG and Hunts. So most people in ladder will go to KOTG. Is he OP atm? Yes, but not as bad as people make it out to be.

  • Entangle has been almost the same for over a decade. But Treants got a huge buff. So why is Entangle getting all the hate?
  • DH and Warden got nerfed

So because of these two reasons, KOTG gets a much higher pick rate. It doesn’t mean he is way OP. It could also mean the other heroes suck.

And now people see KOTG and Entangling Roots a lot more, and cannot stand it.

For Humans, if AM got nerfed and MK got a slight buff, that’d increase the MK pick-rate. And we’d see countless threads on how Storm Bolt is OP.


everyones biased for his own race maybe, but grubby plays all other races too, so dont ignore what he is saying. i value his opinion 5000 times over your nightelf-biased one.


I’ve been saying that since that stupid Elf Patch was introduced and KotG Alchemist meta started. Balance is terrible. Entangle and tranquility are insane. Acid bomb and healing spray are insane. Mountain Giants are anti fun, moonwell regeneration gives so much advantage it’s unbelievable. PTR patch won’t fix anything in my opinion. It’s only first good step but must be followed with more nerfs for NE. They made HUGE buffs for Elves and now they want to fix that with babysteps back. Also the fact that it takes them almost half year to do anything about it is ridiculous.

Apparently NE winning all tournaments is fine for whoever is responsible for balance updates.


Absolutely not and a terrible idea.
They (Blizzard) should take their input (especially active pro-gamers) and talk with them. But let them do the balance themselves? No way.

Even in Dota 2, the “balance god” IceFrog talks with pro-players about ideas and balance. But in the end, it’s him who does the actual balance changes and whoever says anything, he does it brilliantly.


Hu can nuke Ud, too Mk, Pala

I Think the standard opening( am, footy) is not good vs ud

  • Waterelementel can be dispeled by destroyer and load them full of mana

  • sometimes i saw Grubby sell Warerelementel at the shop and buy blizzardstorm

Everyone says this Grubby that Grubby, but this Balance Stuff he is NOT THE ONLY ONE who say there are problems with this. All of pro players, from around the WORLD keep saying about (even Moon). So don’t tell it just a biased opinion of someone else. It will make me laugh


What’s UD supposed to do to a timing push? They have no answer to casters at all before destros and really can’t fight into the HU riflecaster/summon army when he lays ivory towers and starts upgrading. Yeah if UD has aura and you have no slow its a movespeed differential problem, but UD being slowed and towers going up next to a base force the encounter on the HU’s terms.

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yeah u right, they should nerf HU.

entangle is not overpowered… neither are treants.
especially mid-late game when there are multiple counters to both abilities. elf has the least options vs this late game - our only aoe dispel costs 60 gold and uses 1 food (wisps)

human is the most balanced race - their mid-late game armies especially have a ton of utility and their heroes have great synergy.

orc is overpowered and an easy race to play. all their heroes are viable, and they have the best early game defense in the game. it’s really easy to turtle tech to whatever you want with little punishment.

undead has the best late game armies, and their heroes have excellent synergy. i’d say undead is balanced for the most part - but we’re starting to see over and over again that they’re too good against elf players. we have little to not answer to mass gargs when they play it correctly (on certain maps it’s nearly impossible to beat)…and the mass necro/wagon transition the top 20-50 players are doing on ladder from gargs have no counter (wisps? late game we don’t wanna be spending 60 gold and taking up upkeep space to counter necromancers).

fun fact - wisps detonate does not one shot skeleton mages.

anyway take from that what you will. human does not suck…if you listen to TOD then they’ve “sucked” since 1.14

I agree, humans are too overpowered against UD.
Nerf tanks please

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