Grom Hellscream jaw tattoo issue?

It’d be a good deal less disconcerting than removing the black jaw in the first place, which he’s had since his Warcraft 2 days. They can give the same sort of excuse as they did there. “He got more tattoos later”.

Removing it as a feature is just kind of lame, since the stripes just aren’t anywhere near as cool.

I always found the all black jaw to be rather dumb, honestly. Even before the design retcon.

Then just say you didn’t like it instead of making lame excuses.

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My appreciation or lack thereof for the design was irrelevant until now.

It’s been relevant the whole time. The black jaw was a defining feature in every Warcraft game and major piece of Grom art. It’s what makes his face recognizable as specifically Grom’s, regardless of art style, rather than relying on nothing but his hairstyle to identify him.


The black jaw was only a defining feature in two games, both of which had nowhere near the technical ability to be as detailed as Reforged will be. And arguably those two games had far, far less players than the MMO, which is far more popular.

The MMO design and touch-ups to the story to bring it more in line with WoW, are in place because Blizzard wants to entice the MMO players to give Warcraft 3 a go. Reforged is not for purists.

And WoW players think WoD Grom is a pathetic joke. Garrosh is considered a superior character. If his jaw isn’t going to be a solid black, it should at least have more tattoos so it closer resembles that.

No WoW player wants to be reminded of WoD. Especially not the lame Grommash it had.

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Clearly Blizzard has internal data that says otherwise or else they would have gone the purist route.

Like I said, hopefully they release the all-black jaw as a skin. Otherwise we’re SOL. The beta’s a release candidate so it’s too late to change it.

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Do you think they make all decisions based upon internal data? It’s likely that this was just the most recent design they had made, and they didn’t bother researching why he didn’t have a solid black jaw in the WoD design before using it.

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I think it has more to do with internal data than laziness, yes.

I’m actually against the change too, myself.

In the initial scrolling through of all those Reforged icons, I actually missed Grom the first time around since I wasn’t expecting a 1:1 of his post-Warlords design.

What kind of “internal data” would that be? I doubt they took a poll on which Grom design people preferred or anything like that.

It being the latest design and them failing to read up on the lore reasons for it is what makes the most sense.

btw Grom did not have Gorehowl in WC3 he was using generic axe and this is update i am sure many of us wanted to see

idk why many hate changes, changes dont mean its bad

i loved how they change the buildings and the look of the Dranai and many other things they changed.

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Some changes are good. Some changes are bad.

The lack of a full jaw tattoo makes his face a lot less distinctive.


I do find this one a weird take.

I like the 3 stripe tattoo idea. I find it weird that they didn’t make his jaw black though.

“Internal data”
A.) That’s a meme that definitely does not apply to “Which Grom do you prefer?”
B.) They managed to lose half of their subscribers in under a year of WoD. I doubt they should be tying anything into that expansion.

God, people defending change for the sake of change on here are some of the dullest people I’ve seen.

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I wouldn’t have a problem if it weren’t Grom, but it’s Grom Grom. Not WoD Grom or movie Grom who Blizzard excused as having a different amount of tattoo as a result of the timeline.

As Wildberry put it, they shouldn’t be trying to associate Grom with some pathetic timeline doppleganger who did nothing but fail.

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This Grom did nothing but fail, too. They’re hardly that distinct.

Well, he at least had a meaningful death in a story that worked. That’s a huge distinction.

Fair point, well made.