Game play is not really balanced

OK, I suck. Been playing for years and I am old and slow. At least in other games from blizzard long gone I would always get around 50 per cent and maybe a bit lower. Now when I play I am pitted against players and end up with a win rate of 23 per cent or so. Can’t you hire someone that can figure out a way to pit people of somewhat equal talent against each other? Is it laziness or just ignorance? I believe people would like to play people of equal talent and move up the ladder that way instead of whatever hodgepodge concoction you have created.

I bet that you are new and noob. Play more, improve … check videos , follow Grubby or Wtii

All four races are significantly different from each other so perfect balance is impossible. All that can be done is ensure that nothing is statistically too far out of line and ensure that every race has some kind of tool for dealing with typical strategies.

The game has such a low playerbase that new players will almost inevitably face veterans.

The system is working as intended, but it needs a stable population of both newbies and veterans.

warchamp banned team killer

You are saying the player base is low is the problem/ maybe so. You get people to stay by making game play competitive. You get trounced 3 out of 4 times and you decide this game is not for me. Someone called me a noob. I am not a noob, I just suck. I have been playing game since inception of Starcraft to now. Starcraft was more balanced game play. Someone mentioned map hacking in an earlier post. I remember when people were banned. Do people still maphack and is it allowed? Does Blizzard not take into account that you make a game fair and competitive you reap tremendous rewards? I’ll still play and get the tar beat out of me but I am hoping someone’s bells go off and you don’t just have great players playing great players which is how it is now but it becomes competitive for all.

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Is not the first time, and I also reported him all the time + opened ticket to take action against Yuria !