Game Loads & Can only click OPTIONS or EXIT GAME

What gives? I can’t even see anything past a black window in the game, and see three buttons. OPTIONS, PLAY OFFLINE, and EXIT GAME.

Cant even click PLAY OFFLINE. In the options I can’t even slide the Classic . Reforged slider.

Why can’t I play this game? I paid for this the DAY it was announce in Blizzcon


Same here, on top of that I don’t remember buying the game, or installing it and yet there it is

Ditto. Exactly like you described.

This is exactly my problem. All I see is an empty menu with only two options. “Options” and “Exit Game.”

And the couple times I’ve gotten to the main menu by selecting “options” and then hitting the back button, as soon as I select “campaign,” the game immediately crashes.

And yeah, I also pre-ordered this game the day it was announced last year. Kind of bummed that I can’t play it. What gives, Blizzard??

Same. This is absolute garbage. I just want to play the single player… Blizz: You need a quality assurance team; hire one.

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Same here.

Great Start to launch

Exactly the same thing here too. Blizz finally got down to the level of pulling an “EA” on us.

Yep same problem

Oh, and this is my crash report ID, just in case we get help from Blizz.


I think we had less issues with the launch of Diablo 3.

real talk.

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Same here you’re not alone!

Same issue here. If I hit options then go back it’ll ask for my login then promptly fail “there was an error handling the request”.

Embarrassing start.

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I mean, I can load the Launch Editor no problem. Guess I’ll make some maps for a game I can’t even play.

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same exactly

I’m having the same issue. windows 10.

I did scan and repair and that fixed the game for me.

Same problem here!!! WTF BLIZZARD!!!

i got only blackscreen, and hear sound, windows 8

Got home, bought the game immediately, was so pumped to play some TD maps… nope usual clown fest at launch…

same here.