Game Crashing in Campaign

Any time I either 1. attempt to save or load a game or 2. open custom campaigns, my game crashes. Nothing I do seems to fix it. What is going on?

The relevant folders might be read only. Don’t have any other ideas atm but looking at some past posts

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How would I find out if that is the problem and how would I then fix it?

Go to your documents folder, right click on the folder “Warcraft III” and click properties, it will show there if the folder is read only. If it is not, check the folders inside of it as well.

This is a possibility because whenever the game writes to that folder, if it is read only it won’t be able to and that can cause errors.

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You were right about them being read-only, but there is another problem. I deselected “read-only” under properties and hit “apply,” but when I look at the properties again it still has “read-only” selected.

You might need admin privileges (aka elevation) to make these kinds of changes usually. Normally Windows automatically asks you about this.

I’ve also heard about issues like this being related to OneDrive and it might also be the reason the setting doesnt save. you can try removing/disabling it if you’re uising it (and when you put it back, exclude that folder from being synced). War3 doesn’t play very nice with a lot of modern tech lol.

Go to the Security tab and check the permissions. You might have lost access to make changes, there are weird ways this can happen even on a PC only used by one person.

If you can’t change the permissions try editing them in the parent folder (i.e. C:\Users\Your User Folder)