Consistent issue for WC3 Reforged as of newest patch whenever I attempt to press “Save Game” or “Load Game” from anywhere in the game menu, the application freezes and proceeds to crash. I have run game repair and done all the usual tech stuff. Currently I am fully unable to save or load any games.
this is also happening to me. brand new msi sword gaming laptop with hardware way more than strong enough to run the game
I have come across the same problem. Any time I try to save or load a game, my game freezes and then crashes. I have not been able to find a way around it.
This big issue has been reported multiple times by now during the last years.
But it continues to be ignored by Blizzard!
It is difficult to understand why Blizzard is remaining silent on this serious problem.
Can’t they fix it? Isn’t there enough staff available to investigate the problem?
It is also strange that so few users report this extreme problem…
TO THE PROBLEM: I face it in the moment when I try to play a custom campaign.
- Pressing F6 for quicksave in a chapter of a custom campaign = CRASH!
- Using the normal save function in the menu, the moment I press the “save button” = CRASH!
- Back to Windows, game has closed, error reporting system pops up, that’s it!
- Reported that problem 1.000 times, nothing has happened yet…
This is issue is probably from an update, some developer probably either deleted or modified a property or field or forgot to instantiate an particular object in the source code… or just simply forgot to catch runtime exception errors.
The quickest work around solution is to delete all the game saves from “C:\Users\userman\OneDrive\Documents\Warcraft III\BattleNet\23745688\Campaigns\Reforged”.
Also you might have to do the custom game saves
You could probably delete one at a time to try to figure out which ones cause the runtime error.
Also you will lose all your progress so you’ll have to start from the beginning again
Hey, very interesting approach. Thanks alot!
Unfortunately, I already can assure you, this won’t work. I tried during the last 4 years (yes, that is how long this issue is existing) every possible way to find some solutions, but nothing. In the end, it is always the same result…
It doesn’t matter if you do changes of any kind in the save game directories, in the registry, install paths, whatever - the game crashes in the moment you try to save.
It’s happening on a Win 10 as well as Win 11 machine. So it can’t be the OS…
Other players have faced this as well, but they have given up on Reforged and think it’s a bugfest anyway. Which makes the thing a bit more worse…
You are absolutely right by assuming that some developer has delivered BS in big time here and for some mysterious reason nobody really seems to care about that.
The save game issue is a hardcoded problem, it cannot fixed by local changes on the user side. The devs have to investigate that from the core.
I had high hopes that PATCH 2.0 will gonna fix this, but… nope!