Game crashes upon exit game

Every time I close the game I get an unexpected error. I get this technically still closes the game but it has become annoying AF. I kinda signals this game might not be under control. Could this be fixed?

I’ve send about 100 reports by now.
Also the re-open functionality does not work. It just pops up the launcher.

Hey, Kiezel! The crashes you were experiencing is one of the issues known to our team. This one in particular is related to some connectivity or network issues. Our team believes that this should be resolved in a future update, as it could no longer be replicated, to help keep any unstable connections or connection issues better connected to the game server and a little less sensitive to the situation.

In the mean time, we can take a look at the connection to provide some tips or diagnostics. Let’s grab a WinMTR file until the problem occurs for 10 to 15 minutes. Copy and paste the text file created and paste it between two ~~~ like so:

WinMTR Here

If you have issues pasting here, use Pastebin and post the end of the link. (ie. 123456 for

How far into the future?

There is an update in testing on the PTR. So within a few weeks probably .

You do realize I was being a cynic because it has been 4 years since the problem was raised, identified, logged and not solved?

when an update is actually announced it generally comes out within a certain span of time.

And I personally haven’t seen this issue happen since the last patch to occur after this thread was created.

It was there when the game was released, it still is there for users and none of the updates the last 4 years resolved it. I don’t think the upcoming update will fix it either, and neither do I think that more than four years is a fair amount for “certain span of time” to debug basic game functionality such as menu buttons.

Well, it was resolved for me. Guess I"m just lucky.