French translation : in some cases non-existent or wrong

The French translated version is in some cases non-existent or completely inaccurate.

In some cases, the French version simply has no translation at all, as in some menu options.

And for example, I’ve launched the campaign and from the very first level of the tutorial I’ve noticed some serious errors. The original version of the game was correctly translated, for example “Far Seer” was correctly translated as “Prophète” in French. (N.B. : “Long-voyant” does not exist in French, only in the results of translation tools like Google Translate,…)

Are there any plans for a French translation in the future? By default, I’ll continue to add any errors I come across to this topic to centralize information about this problem.

By the way, if you spot any translation issue with the French version, feel free to post a message in that topic and I will update the list.

Updated list of bugs, errors relative to French translation (last update 2025-02-18T15:35:00Z) :

  • Options > Sound : [L_OPTION_CLASSIC_SOUND] name & tooltip missing
  • Options > Game : [L_OPTION_CLASSIC_CURSOR] name & tooltip missing
  • Options > Game : [L_OPTION_PEON_DOUBLETAP_FOCUS] name & tooltip missing
  • Options > Game : [L_OPTION_OLD_TERRAIN] name & tooltip missing
  • Options > Game : [L_OPTION_GAME_INFO_MESSAGES] name & tooltip missing
  • Options > Keybindings > ORC : Blademaster name in French incomplete (‘Maître’ instead of ‘Maître-lame’), N.B. it seems the text doesn’t display anything when a ‘-’ is in the name.
  • Options > Keybindings > ORC : Far Seer name in French incomplete (‘Long’ instead of ‘Long-Voyant’, instead of 'Prophète that is actually the right translation)
  • Options > Keybindings : “Neutral” button name in French is ‘Indifférence’, it should be ‘Neutre’
  • Options > Keybindings > General : UI components totally bugged displaying text beginning with "L:OPTION_…’ multiple times
  • Unit interface > Hero experience bar > Far Seer : Correct translation in French is ‘Prophète’, not ‘Long-Voyant’ that doesn’t mean anything in French when the two words are put together.
  • Action menu > Great Hall : Pillage technology tooltip description “Infliger des dégâts aux bâtiments ennemis avec les Péons, les Grunts et les Chevaucheurs octroie des " does not display the end of the sentence " ressources.”. Changing view from Fullscreen > Windowed mode actually display correctly the tooltip description. For info, I’m using the default 1920x1080 resolution.

There are similar issues in all non-English locals. It looks like they did not localize many of the 2.0 strings.