Freezing and kicking you out of game?

I don’t know what is going on but today and yesterday i have not been able to play a full game on b net it keeps freezing up and i can’t click anything than it will kick me out of the game. I have uninstalled the game and reinstalled. ran the check for issues and repair. also checked for updates everything seems fine, but then when I try to play the game again it does the same thing i don’t understand if this is a bug or if it is just me or what can someone let me know if this is a me problem or a b net problem?


I’ve experienced a similar situation myself. After joining a game, I was unexpectedly kicked out and subsequently found myself back in the matchmaking process for a new game.

did you found any solve? cuz that issue is happening for me now. it freezes screen while playing game. window is works only game freezes. if i left-click it shows for me end task game.

Bro the same: This game is over

Can we re-add US East servers? They have been missing last few months.