Frame rate tanked

For some reason, along with the issues of maintenance not completing their process, my ingame frame rate is absolutely garbage. i cant do anything and it didnt use to be this way. Game is on a samsung 990pro M.2, 6700k i7, 1080ti, and 16gb ram

There hasn’t been a patch or anything in a long time, so unless you haven’t played in many months, the problem is on your end. Bad windows update, driver problem, or something.

My fps is abysmal now. I was constant 200-300fps on 1440p with minimal stutters, now I’m ~40-120 with constant spikes. 4070 and ryzen9-7945 on ssd.

^ ^ ^

Obvious sockpuppet account. or a bot that auto posts whenever someone makes a thread that contains “fps” or “frame rate”

if you have nothing helpful to contribute, move along? why waste bandwidth ???

This post of yours doesn’t exactly contribute either, buddy. Ask yourself the same question.

I’m just tired of seeing new accounts pop up to say their frame rate sucks every time someone uses those words in a post.

Even if a million people complain, they aren’t going to fix it, so why bother? There is literally zero people working on the game. Outside of the servers tanking and a network guy bringing them back up, we’re not getting any more support.

You basically have three choices: Get a refund, suck it up, or get a better PC. Except in the case of the original poster, whom I believe has a different, fixable issue. My complaint was directed at the person, whom I firmly believe is just a sockpuppet probably seeking to troll me, repeating the same old “I got 200 fps now I get 20” that’s already been posted 394825234 times. Yes. We get it, 1.33 was better. You’re not getting it back, deal with it.

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