Forum Usage Question

I was reading a thread on this forum created by a user who brought up something he was really concerned about in the game that he felt made the game itself humanly unjust, and he had this idea for a feature to add that would make the game just… Except that it wouldn’t.

I spent some time and wrote a really logical argument for why his idea would actually not work, and could not be used to improve the game, but by the time I tried to post this idea back to him, his thread had been deleted — presumably because he was asking for something that could not be used to improve the game, because according to my calculations, his idea would not work.

But I felt like I had missed the opportunity to explain to this guy why he should relax and why you can actually math out that his idea will not work.
This made me realize that there is no way to send someone that I meet or encounter on this forum a direct message regarding topics that are not worthy of being entire threads.

Is this a deliberate choice, or an oversight? Will we eventually see a way to directly message or reach out to someone on this forum? When I think about it, I believe I would probably use that feature – but maybe it is contrary to the goal of these forums? Perhaps I am an introvert?

I am interested in the opinions of others on this topic and whether it could be a feature to improve this forum.

Edit: And I do respect that some people on this forum might not read their private messages, or might want to be able to ignore others. I really hope it does not sound like I wanted to mistreat this poor fellow whose topic was deleted, because I do not see it that way at all. Based on what I was thinking, either he is correct or I am correct and I think they are mutually exclusive. If he could prove to me that I am incorrect, then this would actually be really interesting to me because it would mean my understanding of the game is not correct.

I am just hoping to have a healthy flow of information and discussion. When I imagine, “How would I feel if I was that guy whose topic just got deleted?” then I am led to think, “I would still believe in my idea and would be upset why others could not see it and do not want to implement it.”

And I think we could help him more than that by allowing a civil discussion about why I believe his idea would actually not work.

You can always contact him on But ofc it’s one more unnecessary button click. ID can be found like show on the picture (point on a nickname):

I think if we have private messages on the forum it will turn in endless life threats and insults and whatever else people say to eachother this days.
The following statement is “IMHO” and shouldn’t be considered as the 100% truth.