Forum is Dead Game is Dead

Wanted to play 4on4
4 matches mass desynch

not in the mood anymore

game is so ded.


This game cannot die. It have been kept alive by our community since decades. Now it is more alive than ever despite the problems Reforged has.


You have to be in a dire state to have such hallucinations.

But it can be murdered.

A community that has been backhanded and won’t come back, like the WoW fans do.


Yeah sure. Whatever you say expert. I continue to play classic and I really don’t care about Reforged at the moment. In time they will fix it and it will be playable. So yeah go figure.


Playable is not the bar that was set. There are many features cut. This game underachieved its goals, and to say it will be “fixed” implies not just playable, but all the advertised content restored.

They should have been more careful with what made them what they are. What they were.


you dont play classic though. you play reforged with classic graphics and even those are different.

wc3 didnt die during all those years, which is amazing. but reforged killed it off.
just look at grubbos channel and the views his new videos have…


“I bleed! But I won’t die!”

Grubby has a lot of views about 7k. Back 3 years ago he only got 3000 max… I personally watch other streamers like Syde, Wan and Tod. These streamers are getting more attention right now. So what is your point exactly? We need to “watch” grubby and not play the game? Then it will be alive? Logic!


this game is still living until reforged, how the community keeps playing when the ladder is gone. New player is disappointed, old player abandons the game because of this boring multiplayer. Right now i wish this sh!t never happen

The forums haven’t been this active since they first opened.


you should work hard so you soon reach 10.000 posts in the forum


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I mean if it took me 2 years to reach just under 3,600 it’d be - what? Another 4?

I don’t know why you’re so upset, friend.

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My computer does not desync at all… the only thing which does occasionally happen, is while searching, it appears to have found a game, and then lets me sit without actually connecting me… then I have to exit the game and log back in, because it wont let me cancel the search. That is the biggest glitch I’ve come across in the game, but the original did that too… but with the original, I thought I could have clicked cancel or the back button, with reforged I have to either exit the game completely, or log off in order to cancel the search, clicking on the eye does not cancel once a game is found, like it should still be able to do… I’m patient, very happy Blizzard did this game. The only reason more people hate on this game than any other, is because their is no better game for that to be flapping about, it is the best game in history. Warcraft 4 I’ve waited over 10 years to see… I just spent $1,500.00 on a laptop only to play this game!

because u are annoying af. people are mad because of the game and people like you come along “nooo there is no reason, you dont have to be mad , this that bla”

you are the typical forum whiteknight that tries to talk away the bad sides of a game because , idk, you have some weird relationship to the game

and you dont even realize it

if people want to be mad let them, none of your buisness

and yes 3.6k posts in 2 years is incredibly much. you have an addiction problem

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Quote where I’ve said this in recent history (let’s say since January 28th, when the game launched) and if you can I’ll agree it applies to me. Otherwise, no. Reforged absolutely has issues that need solving.

All I did in this thread was post a comment saying that your thread title is kind of inaccurate because, having been here rather consistently since the forums opened during BlizzCon 2018, this is the most activity they’ve had since then.

Also if you think I ‘talk away’ stuff like critique, that’s okay. I know I have a lot of posts. But here’s a recent post of mine maybe you should read and then reconsider your stance.

None of my business, sure. But if people don’t want any commentary, retorts, or quips maybe they shouldn’t use a public venue for it if that’s the case?

3.6k posts in 2 years averages out to 5 posts a day. That’s really not that much, friend.


You’re* that same retard, you mean. If you’re gonna take a dig at me, at least tie up your shoelaces first.

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