Food for thought. Reforged disappointment/graphics etc

We all know all the criticism the beta has gotten over the weeks and how (for some) the blizzcon 2018 demo looks better etc.

I think the problem stems from that they wanted to make everyone happy. They wanted the old classic players to be happy about reforged and they wanted newcomers/returning players to be happy with reforged. This resulted in that no one became happy with the result.
You gotta choose your path and go for it and stop with all this “grey area” to make everyone satisfied because its never gonna happen.

If you gonna go for a realistic art style then the whole game gotta look more realistic like in the demo from 2018. The terrain shadows, fog etc all looked promising.
Then the classic players went “hold up this isnt looking anything like the old game at all, I cant recognize anything anymore” these people have keept the game alive for so long that their voices mattered much more in the debate and they got their way not knowing it would only damage the product into this sh1tfest where none are happy anymore. Now the game looking like it has a life crisis or something.

they went with the realistic approach and now they are turning from it in the middle of the beta with a month from release. They should have just gone all out on the realistic art style and enviroment. Classic players still would have classic and reforged players would have gotten something so beautiful that even if it was just a reskinn it would have been worth it because they knew from the beginning in what direction they wanted to take it thus eliminating all of the problems they are facing now. They could have done so much more with the unit cap UI and life improvments for the game just like Age Of Empire 2: Definitive Edition. When playing vs multiplayers you could choose the classic option or the reforged option problem solved. And for those like Grubby that always complain about not recognising anything anymore well isn’t that the point when retouching the graphics of a 17 year old game? Ofcourse it is not gonna look the same especially if you are going for a realistic art style for a game that is famous for its cartooney looks. Speaking of Grubby the shield looked WAY BETTER before at the 2018 demo but then they changed it to looking like a mess because grubby wanted the white stuff to be on the shield like in classic. Now it looks like a joke

How hard can it be Blizzard? 1 year without any news and now this? such a shame. It will be really interesting if you even manage to release the game this year.


I dislike Grubby very much. Hes like a horse with the eye blockers at the side with a VERY NARROW perspective. The most objective guys are the Back2warcraft guys i like them. Grubby added substancially to the missery we are dealing with now.


TBH if you already realize this, then isn’t it in your own acceptance of reality that the ‘mess’ like the new footman shield is something that will make other people happy but not you?

I don’t see it as a shame. I see it as simply exactly what you already realized.

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Then why aren’t you famous?


because i don’t have 2415 post :confused:

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True, all am saying is if they wanted to avoid all these problems they should have picked 1 art style and just go with it instead of blending all the art styles togheter which is why I believe the beta looks so odd right now

I dont really have anything against the guy but I do agree with you. He is far emotionally connected and cant see the game from a objective point of view. Everything must be the same even if it damage the end result of Reforged


More than emotionally connected he is just like a 10 age kid.

Your account is 1 month old and you have 1/6 of the posts I have for the entire year I’ve been here. Even I can’t compete with you there, you win.

Yeah one month, not whole of year in a forum :wink:

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That’s why I’m so famous :wink:

Say that to your mom, hey mom i think i’m famous in a random beta forum!


Grubby is a good guy. He is intelligent also emotional which is not common at all BUT i agree that its kinda confusing how he manage to play a game for such a long time, get the most money cause of playing this game and can handle to care about a dog and marry a woman (which doesn’t even look like a couchpotato) that confuses me really.

and ofc he praises this game. if you have a good connection/memories to something and earned the most money for living through it, ofc you hype it as most as possible lol.

some guys really think in too small steps sometimes.

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No they just wanted every excuse in the book to cut corners and be lazy.

I agree with both of you. He’s an attention-loving & money-hungry manchild who’s too scared to criticize anything and risk losing donations from his fans.

Ah yes, here is your emoji trophy reward :trophy: for being the biggest cringe on here who prides himself for being witless and unfunny 2436 times because he has no life :tada:

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That’s what being a pro means. You can’t really enjoy the game other than some of his aspects. He will probably get more excites by a new creep interaction than by 100 hours of new CGI cinematics.
“Being pro is cool bro, you earn money!”

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The game now need two graphic options:

1- Blizzcon2018 The Culling Demo Graphics
2- Beta 2019 Donwgrade Simple Graphics

Everyone will be happy

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Nah bro thats what being an idiot means ( i know you are being sarcastic ). Welcoming some changes like pathfinding etc. is good for the game mechanic wise and making the units a bit more intelligent. When i saw him saying he is against even those small good changes or better said tweaks i was like this guy is narrow like a carriage horse but the horse doesnt have a choice unlike the said guy. When i saw both Blizzcon pannels and his interviews i was like man plz a 10 year old kid would have done better …

Yeah, I was thinking along the lines of sliders for this, and maybe everyone could actually be appeased. Sliders for options like team color vibrancy, terrain vibrancy, and atmosphere thickness/intensity.

That way people who wanted it to look more like the culling demo could turn terrain vibrancy down and atmospheric effects up, and OGs who want the clarity for competitive could turn vibrancy up and atmosphere down/off.

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Why no one tries nvidia freestyle filters to make the game colors less vibrant?

Blizzard would never do that Shirokuro. A big part of what they do is brand consistency, and they likely won’t want people broadcasting what looks like different versions of the game to the world. A targeted look and feel where what people see on twitch or YouTube is instantly recognizable as the version of the game they will get if they buy it, I’m pretty sure is what they’re targeting.

I think the root of the problem is multiplayer. The changes people are asking for would decrease visibility in quickly recognizing units in competitive play. The people who arguably warranted this whole project in the first place, is the competitive community… they kept this game alive long enough for this to happen, so respectfully, we should cater to what they want, not people who want a more realistic looking and cinematic single player campaign…

I know people will throw a tantrum over that, but that’s tough.

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The 2018 demo looks better than now, lets hope that awesome graphics back in final release! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: