Folders for Object Editor

Throwing out a suggestion that will help map makers immensely. Let us make custom folders so we may better organize the data from Object Editor. If this is implemented, take care to look at the workers and custom goldmines as having them be in particular “race” affects the way that they function, unfortunately. Like moving a Peasant to Undead will make it summon buildings instead.

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Object editor should be cleaned up:

  1. Many duplicate units which should be deleted by Blizzard, for instance “Draenei Demolisher” is exactly same as “Demolisher”. Blood Elf campaign map 5 can simply use the orc demolisher and delete “Draenei Demolisher” for all!
  2. Many units are placed in wrong folders, for instance corrupted moonwell should be in night elf campaign buildings folder but for some weird reason it is currently in neutral passive buildings folder.
  3. When I copy a unit from another map by first selecting the unit on the map and then copy pasting into other map: the unit is not added in object editor! You first have to copy the unit in object editor and then paste it to your map and then copy the unit by selecting it to make it appear in object editor with correct settings.
  4. Variables: menu has poorly made UI. Window is too small and can’t read cause cropped columns. And if you delete variables from “Object Manager” then your editor will freeze if you used setting “auto generate unkown variables” when copied triggers from other map.
  5. Adding default sounds (existing sounds in the game) to map is very time consuming! There are different menus for sound. Why must I create a variable for each sound I want to use, it’s year 2025 now, we need easy to use menu with 1 click to pick sound in trigger editor action UI window, combine sound editor with trigger editor into one.
  6. Selecting units that are placed in the map in the editor will eventually cause your text and buttons in menus to become invisible! Only way to fix is to restart editor.
  7. Some settings are completely unnecessary in world editor, for instance in “Help” tab menu the “world editor help” should be removed since it doesn’t work.
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