Would the dev-team be so kind to finally (!) fix the most basic function of correct score recording in multiplayer mode on battle.net?!
After ~20% of the matches played, a screen is displayed saying “Waiting for game results”. This then turns into an error message stating something like “Error. Couldn’t retrieve data”. The final outcome of that is that won matches won’t neither appear nor counted in the personal profile statistics or mmr count. It’s like the match has never taken place.
Weirdly enough, this kind of behaviour solely happens in case of won matches. It never happens with losses.
This issue exists for many years now, but correct score recording is really the most basic function of EVERY game out there and long before Minesweeper…
Could you please finally fix it instead of fixing e.g. the skin of some random character xyz (and other minor stuff) in the campaign?!
Thank you!!!
I also reported this. I’m stuck between 2 different account syncs, so all my matches go to some other old pre-merge account, which means I’ll never be able to get any portraits… ETC
In most cases, these matches will eventually appear on your record, it just means either the server is overloaded or the game isn’t finished at the time (note the message on the screen “match results will be recieved when all players have left the game”)
I described all of that a long time ago.
Still issue persists, after a while (when you have all portraits) you just did not care anymore.
Nope, this isn’t the case. I already “investigated” this error since I don’t post these complaints prematurely and without giving it some time. The matches are definitely lost forever and were never counted/recorded (I did the math). As I mentioned, the matches were finished, everyone left, I waited many times for the entire process to complete, the outcome was always the same.
The error exists as described and it would be great, if they could finally fix it.
Well you seem to be experiencing something different from me, as anytime I see this error the games do get added to my record within some days later. (and it’s not hard to notice your record and EXP changing between play sessions without doing anything). Very odd then that something like this would vary by user.
Either way, it’s not exactly a flawless function, so of course I’d like to see it addressed. Hopefully we can find a way to narrow things down to make it as easy as possible.
Much better chance to be seen by the right people.
You can use the pencil icon by the thread title to move this (so that you don’t have to remake it).
No, they will never appear and will never be counted. I noticed like modezar 90% of the time when this appen the game was win. i think the game was never been so broken like now.
Well mine do appear and do get counted (sometimes several days later), so I guess I’ve just been blessed by the Blizzard gods or something.
What I don’t think people understand is this isn’t saying that it isn’t bugged. Obviously it shouldn’t happen at all, just saying don’t stress too much over missing games.
Dude, can you please stop entering every thread on this forum and with arguing someone’s topic by default? This really seems to be a habit of you. If a certain problem doesn’t affect you, then: Lucky you.
Apparently (and by the number of your total posts) you seem to live in this forum and that’s kinda okay, but don’t be ‘Mr. KnowItAll’.
As I mentioned, I didn’t fire this complaint without observing the problem for some time. In case of this error occurring, the wins will never be counted by the system. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month. How do I know this (in my case)?
I literally documented my Wins/Loss stats outside of the game after becoming aware of this issue. In the past, I always had days/weeks/months off from Warcraft due to real-life obligations and therefore a lack of time to play the game. The incorrect stats were still in place after I returned.
This extremely basic problem exists as described and needs to be fixed.
I have every right to post on whatever topics I want to post on, and I do not “argue someone’s topic by default.”
However, there usually isn’t a lot to say when you agree with someone entirely- in that case, I usually put a like on the OP. For this reason, you see a bias towards disagreement, but the fact of the matter is, I agree with people on a lot more things than you might think- I just don’t need words to do that. I shouldn’t have to put “YEAH I AGREE WITH YOU” post on every thread I’m of the same mind on just to dispel this bias. I use the Like button liberally on posts I appreciate over replying with words stating such.
Like many of us here, this has long been one of my favorite games of all time and I enjoy discussing it. That isn’t a crime nor is there anything wrong with that in any way whatsoever. It’s not my fault I’m, if anything, more passionate about the game than the majority of people that show up here. So my advice to you would be (in general) not to derail threads by attacking or criticizing me or anyone else for that matter and simply either discuss or debate topics, or not post at all. That’s my policy, and it should be yours too. You’ll notice that unless someone specifically targets me with rude commants, I don’t go around complaining about people with every post I make, because I’m not here for a popularity contest, I’m here to talk about Warcraft III. I should hope that’s why you’re here too.
For me also