FFa Eu Server EXPLOIT is going on live. please fix and read!


Please fix it as fast as possible. It hurts all your players. Everyone who wants to play can get scammed like this.

Blizzard has left an open spot that is EASY ABUSED by kids.

Please read carefully:

One Player on Blizzard WC3 Reforged EU Server is Queing in Bnet FFA Ladder ALWAYS, over an hour, and when the game opens, when 4 players got ready and map gets loaded, he INSTANT leaves. So the games are always 1v1v1. And not 1v1v1v1 as it should be in FFA with 4 players.

The other people leave then too, after he left, cause no one wants to play 1v1v1. So atleast 35 qued games now instant closed, because blizzard cant program and fix their own games. A 14 years old kiddie is queing, and leaving instant, without punishment. NO ONE can play since over one hour FFA for now, because of this exploit. And it is an exploit, cause he blocks and destroys the whole que and ladder with this.

Game opens, he leaves, game over, everyone leaves. No game gets opened properly, cause he instant leaves, he does it the whole night. Or maybe he coded a bot which is doing it. Your game gets completely scammed, and no one does anything about it… Like what a joke.

He can reque again, and leave again, reque again, leave again. No one can play. Like I never saw something so annoying like this in any game.

I wonder why you guys are not aware of this and implement fixes and rules that can not be abused by kids in their basements.

He wont drop in elo, he wont get even a lose on his account, and the worst is, he can do this the whole night when he programs an spambot that ques ffa and leaves it instantly again.

Not a single game now went ready in one hour. 35 games instant left and requed. PLZ FIX YOUR GAME!!!

How the f… people can abuse your systems so easly. It gets exploited and hno one can play.

Make an break/ban system, that when someone leaves ffa, he gets 5 mins break where he can not que again, then 15 minutes, then one hour. And so on. Don’t let scammers and spammers destroy your and the customers games.

Ban those people first, but this won’t help. They will just make another account.

Ban them, and make an restriction where you can not que again when you leave/left ffa.

You can leave after 15 minutes or something when you got defeatet, but not earlier or instant.

Please fix your game, nobody can play on EU server right now, cause a kid ques, leaves, ques, leaves instant. He can do it the whole day and night.

I never saw something that retarded. Like an basement kid can just stomp your FFA game ladder as his sickness preferes.

This should be instant perma banned and fixed. It is an hardcore exploit that destroys your whole matchmaking and players experience.

How can those toxic kids have so much power over your game?

Learn to code games and just install some blockers and timers there, that people can not spam que and instant leave…

A company like blizz should be able to implement fixes that work against that. This is really not hard to code.

I don’t know why this is tolerated and no one in the company is able to fix their own game.

Exploit report done. Please fix your game.

How is this an “exploit?” I can agree that you’re not getting what you signed up for, but “exploit” implies that the person you’re reporting is benefitting in some way. They’re not- they’re just a troll.

And like it or not, you can still play a 3 way FFA. To me, this isn’t even a ruined game,

Now i suppose thi s could cause minor ladder inflation since one person is sacrificing their MMR to basically make it 2 people gain and only one person loses MMR. So I guess you’re not entirely without a case. But there isn’t any bug in the game or anything here.

Just keep reporting them after the game at the score screen. Tell the other people in your game to report them as well for griefing or w/e. If they get consistently reported their account will be flagged for review by the support team. You’re a lot better off just doing that then demanding fixes that will never come.

Read his post: The games dont count because the leaver is exploiting something to make the game not count. No need to always argue against everyone’s posts

If you’re concerned about your rank in the FFA, I made a YouTube tutorial for how to win at Reforged. The steps are simple:

  • Buy 4 accounts
  • Open the game 4 times on the screen, with each game client using 1/4th of the screen
  • Click “queue” on every account at the same time for FFA or 2v2 or whatever
  • By clicking fast, you cause the accounts to all match against each other in the ranked play
  • Have your best account that you really care about play better than the other three accounts that you are using, since the game will be you versus yourself

By winning the game against yourself, your score will increase, and you can show off to your friends that are you are a skilled player with a good MMR.

This can also help protect your from leavers, as long as you decide that none of your alter egos are willing to leave the game.

Hey buddy, I like this idea. I will not leave the game as long as you do not, buddy.

Thanks, buddy. Birds of a feather reforge together!

Nobody from Blizzard cares…look how many addressed points are unanswered in this forum.

I don’t “always argue against posts.” There are many people here with whom I’ve had concurring opinions.

As for games not counting, I don’t think that’s anything to do with the leaver, the FFA game tracking is simply still unreliable. But if they can demonstrate that their games are consistently recorded when that person isn’t present and never when they are, then I would be convinced.

It is for 100% sure an exploit, because a 14 years old basement kid I imagine, is destroying the entire FFA ladder, and no one, just blizzard could stop him. But they have no system implemented in the game, to stop those griefers from doing what I said.

1-2 hours not a single ffa match was possible, because he left, qued, left qued, and so on. And nothing is stopping him from doing that. so this is 100% and exploit. you don’t have to argue even with me, cause every inteligent person would see it like that.

I made also an blizzard ticket via report and hope they can act about this. But only when a GM would confirm this problem maybe they could fix it.

The problem with this is, when someone is griefing, he can abuse this exploit to troll the entire FFA ladder, and yes it is a exploit.

Blizzard as the developer has to fix it, to give the players atleast a normal game experience.

FFA should be FFA. Not trolled by a griefer who can block the entire ladder with this stupid exploit.

He should get banned or paused, for leaving. Especially when he is doing it multiple times.

Other games have simple punishment systems against griefers. And imagine what? They won’t do it. Otherwise they get banned.

LoL has it.

World of Tanks has it.

I think nearly every game.

Please fix that exploit that is going on, cause it is happening on your EU server LIVE.

You should act as the developer to prevent that.

The thing is, this isn’t a true statement. The game continues with the other 3 players. It’s still an FFA, you can still enjoy it. At least that’s what you said before.

And no you can not play with 3 players ffa. you talk s… and were not there. Read the post properly, before random respond, this would help atleast to keep the post clean from nonsense.

If the first guy leaves, no one wants to play as 3 players 1v1v1. Because they qued for an 4 Player FFA, not something else. So the others leave too, mostly instant after the griefer left. No game is happening. No we can not play as 3. Damn… Learn to read.

The pple reque again, cause they want an 4 player FFA, not 3 players. But imagine the griefer leaves the next game too, and again the next game. And so on. Game opens, he leaves in one second, others leave too. Next Game the same. So for 2 hours, not a single game is happening cause one basement kid is trolling the entire ladder, just to annoy. LIKE WTF. I would instant ban him, no questions asked. This is exploiting the system.

Fix the game, and stop argue for exploiters being normal. It is clearly not.

Every good company would hotfix this in a week or alteast in a month, when it is more complicated.

But saying you can play as 3 and this is normal, is the worst post I have every read in any forum.

And yes for sure if I que FFA 4 players, I want an FFA with 4 players lol… That is what it is called.

A griefers is trolling the entire EU FFA Ladder, like a kid has freeroom to grief the entire Ladder, and no one is stopping him. Like wtf is even happening here?

The company should be in control, not a random online kid. There is nothing to argue here. It is a simple fact that needs to be fixed.

Implement a system which is banning/pausing leavers from requeing, so that we others can play without interrupts. Then this won’t happen anymore.

Someone at blizzard has to confirm, if they care about their customers.

Blizzard does/did not reply, and did nothing, as they did not for a very long period of time already. The guy today started this again, every FFA game was only with 3 players, one gets sandwitched, and this is boring.

FFA is ALWAYS 4 players. Mostly if possible everyone has one guy to attack or play against, and this is how the game mode should be played. No rat chat for excuses that this is normal, that one kid trolls the entire ladder. No it is not. He should be banned out of ffa, for leaving, queing, leaving. It is not intendent like this.

FFA is a 4 player game, you que, you play. Period.

Yes, you can, as any group of players greater than 2 is a free for all. I don’t need to be “there,” wherever there is, it’s not relevant.

Sure, I can understand the argument “this isnt what i signed up for,” but just giving up is letting the loser leaver guy win.

“FFA is always 4 players” Technically, FFA is any number of players greater than two. TBH, I wish it was more than four. I was a fan of team FFA (2v2v2v2) in the earliest days of war3. But by the book, you only need three or more opposing forces for it to be a free-for-all by its very definition.

Ultimately the only thing you can do is file postgame reports. Which you and everyone involved should be.

nope. it is sandwitch, where one guy gets teamed out. I am high rank in FFA, so I know exactly what ffa is.

3 players ffa is zero fun, and everyone who ever played in this wc3 ladder, will agree. Even today when this guy I posted trolled us the whole night again, same as mentioned on top, everyone said ffa is annoying to get even a full game because of this.

And maybe it is not even a human, just a bot/program or hack that he is running, who insta reques and leaves all games the whole day/night. You do not really understand the entire point if this post, which clearly shows no inteligence at all. I really do not care, what your opinion on 3 player FFA is. That is not the topic here.

It is about a guy, that is abusing the ladder system, which should clearly not be.

3 player ffa’s are over in around 20 minutes, because of it’s unbalance. 4 player ffas can take hours when players are good. so nope, you talk nonsense, sorry. Just to get attention. It is about getting this guy banned, and the FFA system fixed, as it should be. About nothing else. How illusional can you be, that you really think this a normal game behavour, that should be like this. Sorry you are muted. No time for time wasters.

3 players is no real ffa experience, ask the people who actually play this game. And no we just not mean just for fun as you do. Serious FFA player do not want an unbalanced 3 players short time waste of time sandwitch. We just want 4 players FFA, as it is designed. Every map is designed for 4 or more players, not a single one for 3. So even the map is since start completely broken… and you really talk about FFA is fine that way LOL. You never played this game, sorry, I can see that in your texting random stuff. You have no clue about FFA or what makes an propper FFA game.

And you clearly do not get the point, that one guy is trolling and destroying the ladder. That is the post about, that someone acts to this and stops this, that the game experience can and should be as designed originally by the devs.

I mean I play FFA a lot, and everyone in game agrees to what I posted here. They also want this to stop. It is annoying as hell and for sure not blizzards intention at any cost that it should be like this. That a scammer can run a bot/programm to troll the entire Ladder/System.

They are the devs, they have to stop hackers and abusers who exploit the FFA system. For it is an expoit when there is a guy with 1000 loses in FFA just cause he leaves and ques again. I am sure this is a bot doing the entire night. It is like a hack, in an official game with ranked system… LIKE WTF are you even talking about? No ladder in any game on this planet I know tolerates that.

And no one here is doing anything about/against it.

Please stop talk to me, you clearly do not see the point or how to lead/design a company that does not tolerate hackers who destroy their customers experience. I would have instant banned him, and just let someone program something into the game, for preventing that. This is calling patching a game, and updating it, for improved experience. Not for excuses, that this is normal. No it is not. I don’t need your random arguments, that are completely the opposite of what you say. There should be no cheaters/hackers at all in a ranked game mode.

It is happening the entire night, in over 50 games in a row he left when I made the post at the beginning, otherwise I would not even have done. I made the post, that the devs get to know what is going on in their own game. In those 50 games, everyone else left too, cause no, no one wants 3 players FFA, you are delousional and unexperienced.

You clearly do not understand the mechanics of FFA or what makes a good game in Warcraft 3. It is for sure not FFA on 4 player maps with an instant leaver and one guy gets teamed. Damn you are stupid. Sorry, my opinion. I can’t hide that. Nothing you say makes sense. You can play 3 players FFA if you like, we do not want that. We did that even today, and it was zero fun, and a completely different game then 4 player matches. They are challenging and hard to play. 3 players FFA is just pure luck. One guy gets teamed out. And the map is totally unbalanced. Way to much resources and free creeps. So the guy who does not fight with someone else, autowins. This is very hard to happen when 4 players are in. Mostly everyone has to fight their spot.

Game reports did not stop the guy. This is useless. Blizzard has to manually record/check the games, or make an time ban system, where leavers get instant punished/banned for specific period of time.

There is even no room for arguing about this.

4 Players que, 4 should play.

There is no room for a bot, that is running the whole night to prevent everybodys ffa experience for being not as good, as it should be.

Please a respond from blizzard, or someone with knowledge.

No random posts, where hackers get protected. This guy does this already over a month now, and you make random posts… Please make an reality check, or actually play the game.

This is clearly a hack and exploit. He leaves the whole night automaticly and reques again. There is not even a reason for, this is not done by a human being. It is a program running this, which destroys all FFA Europe games in this actuall lader. Damn wake up, and stop protecting abusers. Get a real life, where you want quality things in your life. I only want to play games that have quality, and this actually just destroy all FFA’s. Ask the players who play it. Not randoms, who just want to sound wise… lol.


Every normal not damaged human being, ques only FFA, if he wants to play. Here is one guy doing exactly the opposite, to f… anybodies game experience. He does not want to play, he wants to troll. This would have been already banned in first week of any good company.

Please fix your game, that is the only reason for this topic. Not to argue with randoms about nonsense. No, nobody wants to play 3 players FFA, and let a hacker destroy the entire ladder, thinking this is normal. You are delusional.

It’s funny, because you don’t, if you say 3 players is “not an ffa,” because it factually is.

You’re also calling this person a hacker. ??? There is no hacking required to leave games. Is their behavior destructive? Maybe. Is it hacking? Roflno it isn’t. I don’t disagree that it’s not a good situation. But if anyone is delusional here, it’s you, because you don’t need any hacks or exploits to leave games. That’s just a ridiculous leap.

Like I said. Your only recourse is to report them ingame. Posting here will do nothing.

By posting here you open up your thoughts to be commented on by anybody. If you can’t accept that, you shouldn’t post.

This guy is still leaving all games today, in 2 seconds. second guy leaves too. no ffa possible.

BLIZZARD FIX YOUR GAME!!! like wtf are guys doing? It is going on since one month.

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