Farm improvement request when compared to other races

Farm, while a necessary component of many strategies in games like Warcraft III, has become less useful in the current meta due to the emergence of other, more versatile structures.

Moonwells, for example, provide a means of healing units and restoring mana, making them a valuable addition to any base. Burrows allow units to hide and shoot, making them a valuable defensive structure. Ziggurats can be transformed into towers, providing a significant increase in firepower and vision.

In comparison, farms are limited in their utility, providing only a means of increasing the player’s food supply. While important, this is often less crucial than the benefits provided by the aforementioned structures.

Therefore, it is suggested that farms be improved, either through increased food production or additional abilities, to make them more useful and valuable in the current meta.

In summary, moonwells, burrows, and ziggurats provide more versatile and valuable benefits compared to farm, and it’s suggested to improve farm to make it more useful in the current meta.

I wish from farm emerges Old Man Jenkins from Spongebob!
Man, now really, farms are useful, if you cannot build wall from farms, you noob.
Do NOT suggest any idiot major changes for a 20 year old game !

there’s been a disappointment towards the farm building in the game, compared to the other races. many believe that the farm building is useless compared to the other buildings such as burrow, moonwell, and ziggurat as they provide better benefits and can also function as walls. The author also mentions that in the past, the farm building was not necessary as human players could use militia to expand, but after getting expansion up the town hall can no longer convert to militia, making both the farm and militia useless since peasant are vulnerable. if compare to tree of life. he can have a melee attack on building, burrow can be build 1 upon expanding to provider tower ability. but human peasant cant convert into militia for the expand, it seems to feel that the farm building has been overlooked and missed out by the game developers, Blizzard.

No is Not! You can build walls or protect structures.
I even wanted to introduce pig farms for Orc’s but burrow is the way to go now.
So please leave farms as they are, watch some games on youtube to see how to use correctly them, where to put them, etc.

then blizzard at least change something like improve farm cost to be should. and bring back militia on every new expand else human worker are useless.