Failed to authenticate 2.51

do you also hav te problem that te battlenet app can not lcate your games. Maybe that iss the problem but I still can not fix it…

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Same for me I reinstalled but still the same issue. The game is unplayable completely.

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They will kill Classic, and force people to play Reforged only, mark my words.


I think I wasted enough time n this. Thanks a lot Blizard


The same problem. Perfect!

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The same problem right here. 5 days the problem and no fix yet, gj Blizzard!


Same problem… please…

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Hi guys, I had some back and forth with support over this issue, after not getting anywhere I found someone on Live Chat today. The response was:

  • that the issue was not individual but widespread,
  • the issue was being handled,
  • they were not going to hand out CD keys
  • they were not individually keeping clients up to date, but we have to refer to the support forums

So if you’re thinking that this will be resolved by individually corresponding with support, save yourself the frustration and, alas, painstakingly wait it out like we all are.


Thanks men.

I’m in pain with you guys! :persevere::smirk:

what we have to do ? just waiting ?

Thank you for actually giving more information than 3 web tickets gave me


Any news about authenticator?

Definitely still an issue.

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They could have just said something somewhere and given a time estimate. But no, just silence on taking a game people payed for offline. A game they have every incentive to kill.


LOL. In fact, noone of all of you will cancel the subscription in spite of everything that you write here, so it does not matter to them how soon the problem will be fixed - 5 days or 10. Enjoy your stay.

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Blizzard Support team just replied to me:

Congratulations you found a new bug, have a nice day



It´s a shame for blizzard! I will cancel my pre-order as a necessary consequence. I´m not willing to be treaten like this

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Any news about the bug?

There was a post on the classic games forum saying that they know about a login bug but no way to know if its this one or if it will get fixed.

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