Same problem
i put a ticket in and they gave me a link to the download lolol
same my dude
everyone should put a ticket in to blizz support, if they get enough maybe they will do something or at least say they are working on it.
my ticket gave me a link to this exact forum
same for me, got it like 12/21/18…
Same for me, I can’t believe it. Waiting for Blizzard to do something.
Hey guys, I found a solution; in fact, you just have, on internet, to open your account’s settings, go on game and subscription, scroll until “classic games”, and normally, you should find the redeem code of Warcraft 3 reign of chaos; you just have to register it rather than using your authentificator.
on Blzz website?
That only seems to work if you already had a copy before the shop changed to reforged. It also keeps demanding you re-register every few weeks and even that system broke a few days ago along with all the rest. So many people won’t be able to use that fix.
Yes indeed
I had not a copy before, it’s strange
What the hell is going on here? I cannot log in
Ya doesn’t work lol
It is completely strange that a large company like Blizzard would not even inform players that there is a problem and would not react, as even in this post there are dozens of complaints.
Refund your money guys, its shame
Still no update? Wow?
This is getting ridiculous.
Not only the reforged thing seems more and more like a lazy money grab but it turns out to be an insult to loyal w3 players. Blizzard made us pay but with so many issues I experienced since playing it again, and no official information about fixing anything. I think they have no clue about when we will be able to play reforged on bnet but now I CANT PLAY OLD W3 with this stupid ''error to autenthificate": A SHAME
One more note for you blizzard: the fact that you do not interact with us on this forum clearly shows what kind of mentality you now have and I hope for those who think about paying once more in order to play again a game that we bought 16 years ago, you will read that.
Bought reforged specifically to play classic Warcraft 3, spent $45 for nothing, when did Bliz turn into thieving scum?