Extremely low FPS on menus

i sent my dxdiags in over the weekend. if i set the OS and the Game to 1920x1080 the menu is okay. any other combination where the game is 4k, it’s super duper slow.
gameplay at 4k is fine on my gaming desktop.

the stranger thing is on my surface pro 7. if I’m unplugged the menu is unusable. completely locked up. but plugged in, it’s super smooth (2736x1824 resolution)

Just bought the game to play some customs with my brother…oh boy this menu is bad. I honestly couldn’t believe it. Thought my laptop was unplugged and was on powersaver mode.

Also I can’t join games (or receive invites) and every second game I host crashes… Annoying is an understatement.

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Same Issue…

how did you solve it ?

Not resolved yet.

I’m having the same problem. My i7 processor, 16GB of ram and G force graphic card should be more than capable of not lagging like that. The lag is so bad playing any game is impossible.

Hi everyone,

I was able to resolve this by ensuring that the desktop shortcut is not running in compatibility mode. For whatever reason, the Reforged update turned this on without my knowledge, or it was a remnant from previous WC3 installation settings. After disabling it, the laggy menu was resolved and is now smooth as butter.

Add a WC3 shortcut to your desktop, right click it, select properties, click the compatibility tab, and make sure it is not turned on for anything (e.g. Windows Vista).

I would also like to add that if you had played WC3 before Reforged, you might have done shortcut commands such as -graphicsapi and Direct3D9. Try removing these from the shortcut if they are present (they would be in the same right-click window under “Shortcut” -> “Target:”).

Thanks for the tip but unfortunately that’s not the issue for me, so it’s probably something else entirely for certain users.

Compatibility mode was never enabled on mine but I’m having this issue to the point I can’t join any games.

Still not solved 3 months after release.

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Same issue. One GM said to me : “you have to wait for a future update”. Ahah.

Maybe they have to put this issue in :[KNOWN TECHNICAL SUPPORT ISSUES - UPDATED ON FEBUARY 23, 2020 ]"


May I suggest to inject some disinfectant in Reforged or do some UVs ?

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Hey, all! I appreciate all the files sent to us so far. We have not forgotten about this issue. I’m continuing to gather and monitor information on the issue and our team is aware of the issues with the low FPS on the menus or web interfaces.

I wanted to provide you a partial update and information to share with you all. Our team is awaiting for implementation on new features to help resolve the issue. Because of the complexity of the issue, it may be some time before we have more information or updates available.

We may not always post since we ensure that updates and information is fully available, but we do consistently read your reports and posts to add to our tracking. I’ll continue to track this thread and provide updates when available. As always, your reports and patience on this issue is greatly appreciated and helpful for us!

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So has anyone found a solution to this issue yet? For it seems forgotten to me and it is unbearable.


Same issue here. Just installed the game, and the menu is unbearable, while the game itself is just fine. By looking at hardware performances, it’s clear that the menu uses the integrated GPU, while the dedicated graphic card (AMD Radeon R7 M440) is employed only during the actual game. I do not see how this is even possible. What were you people thinking?


2 weeks later… still nothing eh?

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The only thing that fixed this for me was disabling Intel HD (integrated) graphics in BIOS. Whatever else that I tried, did not work. I tried to force the game through all kinds of file and software means to use GTX 1060 just nope, you can forget about it.

I wanted to use Intel GPU for one monitor and GTX 1060 for another monitor (gaming one). Nope. For some reason that destroys FPS in menu of WC3 Reforged


You mentioned earlier that the team was seeing this a lot on Macs. I’ve got a MacBook Pro with 3K resolution and I see it too (though maybe not as severely as reported by some of the others). Obviously running DXDiag isn’t an option for those of us with Macs, so what would you like for us to send you to help diagnose the problem?

@Mongoose, that’s interesting information. It could be that the Web UI (for the menu) is drawing from the Intel graphics, but disabling it allowed it to use the main graphics card. Though, we have seen systems without an integrated graphics experience the same issues reported here. Has anyone else had success with disabling the integrated graphics?

The integrated graphics is most common with laptops. Our team is aware of the issue with laptops specifically, so hopefully they’ll be able to look into this issue further. We’ve seen some cases where reducing the resolution to 720p has helped some users as well.

@ LeJaWa, we’re good with the Mac issue and do not need any information from Mac users. The issue has been fully replicated by our quality assurance team and the issue is still open for review and investigation.

The main issue with Windows is that the issue was once resolved, but came back after a patch that we’ve requested data for this issue.

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TL&DR in the end.

I have always thought it was a problem with the game or the web UI. It never accured to me that this could be the issue, even though the same happened to me a couple years ago with the WoW PTR servers.

Going into nvidia 3d settings and choosing nvidia gtx 1060 for wow ptr had solved my problem before. However in this case I wasnt sure which exe had to choose, considering the web UI might be different than wc3.exe.

So I didnt even try that. I went to device manager(where you can update or disable drivers) and I disabled the Intel HD Graphics driver. Now the main menu is as smooth as butter.

Tip: Do not uninstall the driver, just disable.

TL&DR: Yes, disabling intel graphics worked for me. Thank you @Mongoose and @Caterpepl