Extremely low FPS on menus

Ive just been hit with this issue and now wc3 is unplayable. The menu lag is horrendous and after loading a custom game, it crashes and makes me restart wc3. I doubt they will fix this any time soon by the looks of it.


ive seen complains on low FPS in warcraft 3 reforged, even when the user had a good graphic card. I tried many things, but this surely helpled. This is how it works, BEFORE you turn on the game, go to device manager and disable integrated graphic card, then ENTER the game and the game will be very laggy, go back to device manager when the game is still open in the background, and enable device manager again. This dramaticially increased my fps, i dont know why this is a thing

still not fixed … xd blizzard is trolling?
is that too difficult to repair ???


Nearly a year since release and game is still basically unplayable for me due to this issue… Thanks Blizzard for ruining my favorite game, really good job.


Still not fixed. Such a disappointment. Blizzard should’ve add a disclaimer: “The game is garbage and we won’t fix it ever.”


Found the issue. Because blizz only perform a low-level scan there is a name missmatch (not sure where it comes from, intel or Microsoft idk)
This wouldn’t show up on DXdiag scan as it’s deep scan, that’s why you haven’t been able to detect the issue when asking for info.

It will fix most of the menu lag issues, so it’s a big win. There is some more stuff that needs to be done for people with onboard graphics. Let’s deal with this one first. Skip the hole automated thing. Just put the graphics option on the menu we can test it on PTR.

Namn Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
Videoprocessor Intel(R) UHD Graphics Family
Tillverkare Intel Corporation
Videoarkitektur VGA
DAC-typ Internal
Minnesstorlek 1,0 GB
Minnestyp Unknown
Videoläge 3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 färger
Nuvarande uppdateringsfrekvens 119 Hz
Drivrutinsdatum 2019-09-12
Namn NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Videoprocessor GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Tillverkare Intel Corporation :v:
Videoarkitektur VGA
DAC-typ Integrated RAMDAC
Minnesstorlek 4,0 GB
Minnestyp Unknown
Videoläge 3840 x 2160 x 4294967296 färger
Nuvarande uppdateringsfrekvens 119 Hz
Drivrutinsdatum 2020-10-22

Work work…


easy fix, you’ll have to allow from your end. otherwise, it keeps resetting.
‘‘adapter=0’’ Calculus: 0+0=0 >0+1=1


After 11 months I can’t still play normally. That menu is so bad. I really like that game but when I launch it and i must getting tired with 10 fps in menu so this is irresistible to me. I know that the fix with disabling intel graphic is working but if I must do it again and again when i want to play it’s so kind of boring


Hi there,

My hardware:
OSX Big Sur (latest)
2019 iMac
5700 XT

The issue:
The menus run at about 5 frames / second
The in game runs fine.

Please help!

yeah, the main menu lagging as hell. Just revert to the old wc3 menu please blizzard

And I am RTX 2070 video card

Rtx 2060 super here, got low fps in menu too.
Hmm i remember playing the game with a geforce 2 mx 400…
Well this is very dissappointing for 18year old game with a the classic switch on and fewer menu options.

It wouldnt be surprising if they cant implement ladder/clans etc. because the menu is already laggin without any of these features…

Blizzard. Can you do anything right? You have literally damaged a game I bought years ago. At least give me the ability to undo your idiotic changes. How this is even legal I don’t know.

for real its still not fixed… actually im sure they didnt do ANYTHING to try to find out whats going on.

Blizzard enough trolling. time to fix the game for your customer who pays for you, thanks


It’s insane it’s almost 2021 and such silly bug is still not fixed. What a shame. I’d rather download old client but Blizzard knows what’s better for me. Unusable user interface.

Please, solve this problem - you should be able to fix something like this in 1 year… I didnt play the game yet, because of the bugs… you cant be serious if you are not fixing this one.

Hello, Blizzard, please fix this it’s really too irritating. My head hurts as much as the lobby lags.

Still not fixed. On Imac Pro

Hey, I solved the issue on my MacBook Pro 16” 2019 on macOS Catalina.
If I lower the resolution in the system settings to the lowest possible and start the game, the menu won’t lag anymore. The system resolution is not affecting the game since it has its own setting.

I turned off the onboard GPU so it’s always on the dedicated GPU.

Not really practical because it’s unusable for everything else. I use my MacBook usually without an extra monitor so i tend to get the highest possible resolution for my work, switching it everytime for one single game seems yeah… not practical at all.
In the meantime maybe it will work for you too.

Why is this still not fixed?