Error starting game

Hi. Every time I try to load w3TFT I get the error - unable to initialize audio device

any ideas how to fix that?

Hey there Smaug,

That error usually means the game can’t see any audio device attached. If you have speaker or headphones, plugging them in usually will get the error to stop.

We’ve also seen this error happen when the speakers are set up as Quadraphonic because the game runs only in stereo. Thus changing the speaker mode can help with the following steps?

  1. Right-click your taskbar’s Speaker icon and choose Playback Devices.
  2. Click your speaker or speaker’s icon and then click the Configure button.
  3. Click the Test button, adjust your speaker’s settings, and click Next.
  4. Click the tabs for any other sound devices you want to adjust. When you’re through adjusting, click the OK button.

Hopefully that helps out. Cheers friend!

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Ive tried everything there is to try and sadly i cant get it to work. If i enter Realtech HD audio managed i can switch on and off earphone virtualzation every time i open the game to not get the ‘‘Unable to initialize audio device’’. That makes me able to enter the game without audio ,which makes the gaming experience much lesser.

i want a permanent solution to this issue and since it seems to be reoccuring to many ppl i just find it funny why this cant be fixed on blizzards end, in the meantime i would be very satisfied with a solution in my case to have a good experience playing the game :slight_smile: .

Best regards Fredrik Andersson