I will say this bug existed before the 1.33 PTR, but as it is not fixed by the PTR either, I feel like it stands to reason to report it here.
In the editor, you have the option to import a strings file (war3map.wts) into your map, so that those strings can be referenced by triggers and objects. I opened a blank map and imported a .wts from another map, and then imported each set of object data (.w3u for units, .w3b for destructibles, .w3a for abilities, etc. etc.) and all object data was populated with TRIGSTR_#### wherever applicable, instead of actually reading from the strings file.
The map that the .wts/.w3u/.w3a etc. files came from is saved as a folder, and dropping that folder on the editor does open the map and there are no issues with strings that way, but trying to import those strings to another map does not work, and trying to re-import strings AFTER importing object data causes an error, because importing that object data creates new entries in the map’s .wts for all of those TRIGSTR_#### fields that aren’t in the .wts I’m trying to import, for obvious reasons.
Anyway, I can provide a test map (and string/obj files) upon request. Thanks for your time.
“The map that the .wts/.w3u/.w3a etc. files came from is saved as a folder, and dropping that folder on the editor does open the map and there are no issues with strings that way”
How exactly to do this? Tried creating an empty folder with just .wts/.w3u/.w3a/.w3t and then dropping said folder into the editor but nothing happens (with or without a map loaded). Dragging files individually didn’t appear to work either.
EDIT: Opened the editor, saved a new empty map. Extracted files with MPQ editor. Replaced, or rather overwrote, .wts, .w3u, .w3a, .w3t, with files we want to see strings of, and dragging the folder with the map files opens map successfully with strings rather then TRIGSTR_XXXX
You can save as folder in the editor as well. I didn’t use an mpq editor for any of the stuff I talked about here, this is all editor “”“functionality”"".
You’re quite right! Easier to save a new map as a folder via File → Save Map As → and changing the file extension to ‘Scenario Folder - Expansion’ (for .w3x) and simply replace the desired files, again in our case .w3a/t/u and .wts then dragging the folder into the World Editor. Apologies for the revival of this, honestly typing this up for self use in the future as I ran into this issue again where I couldn’t import a .wts due to a litany of strings missing (whatever that means) and found this via google.
I think I just mpq edited it, folder mode has given me some undesirable issues too