Dungeons of Dalaran - Ghosts of Dalaran items not dropping

a new wednesday with no update :rage:

Tuesday, April 21. Still no ring drop

I experience this too, fix it please !

If Blizzard doesn’t address this issue and many others (seems there’s many in the Undead campaign) in a patch by the end of the month I swear i’m refunding this.

Kicking to the top again in hopes that these bums at Blizzard notice the problem. I’m not touching Reforged again until their next patch fixes this issue

I also have the same issue. Please let me know when there is a fix.

I’m starting to think that there will be no more udpate. they just give up on this game
EDIT : my bad they did it

Can anyone confirm is this was fixed?

EDIT: It was. Cheers, Blizzard. Now work on restoring custom campaigns next and improving performace and my faith in you is restored.