Does anyone know how to contact blizz management?

Yeah, anyone who’s been around since the beginning would know this.

War3’s been second fiddle since before release. Who’d-a thunk it?

Your best bet for reaching one of the top people in charge would be to reach out to Blizzard president Mike Ybarra or Warcraft executive producer Holly Longdale on Twitter or chat in Twitch during one of Ybarra’s streams. I don’t think there’s any way to communicate with the actual team but WC3R is being overseen by the Warcraft team now.

Obviously this has been tried many times already, but there have been a few occasions where one of those figures has responded on the topic.

The people at the top of the company are the ones who decide where money is spent. I’m also 100% certain they have no idea what is going on with this game atm since they decided to abandon it before it was even released.

Alexa, play Despacito.

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