Do not like the female death knight

Because the lore specifies the Sentinels are female and Keepers of the Grove are male.

The lore never specifies DKs are always male.
If a character’s sex is part of the story then the hands are tied imho. Otherwise, give me an in-universe argument against female DKs.

Do not cry anymore, for the change of gender.
In case you have not thought about it, the altar has additional free spaces … all the genres could be placed on it. and choose the preferred unit. ^^

Not true, it is by much. The entire brunt force of the night elf army is female. This isn’t some new game. It’s a remake. You’re asking for too much. You can’t have every single unit looking different. It will ruin competitive. And you’re bringing politics into a game people cherish which is incredibly selfish. The heroes are more than enough and right now we don’t even have the original heroes. So this is a bad suggestion.

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its not ever selfish to strive for such equality. there are more males in night elves than there are females in orc and human combined.

undead is is getting close to 50/50 which is very nice. keep in mind im not saying take the originals out of the game. I want people to have the choice between m/f thats all. no harm done. If you really have an issue with competitive just ask blizzard to have a “Disable Unit Modifications” and a “Disable Skins” check box. and tbh skins in every competitive game are way more elaborate and different than just changing a characters gender. 50/50 give the players the choice

It absolutely is selfish, this is a fantasy world not a real world. There is no such notion of equality. Someone could write a book and game where women are superior to men and you would probably buy it and celebrate it.

Beyond that it’s not a new game. It’s a remake. If they achieve “equality” in the game they should just remake it entirely with new voices and characters and everything.

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Idk where you got that from. bro why are you so conceded. Look at it this way, if you dont like it, dont use it. Everyone gets what they want if you just have the freedom to choose between m/f. and of course have all of the original vl’s in there to. And it’s not selfish at all, I have consideration for others, whats lacking is your consideration for us

Both points are the same. Fans want the original voices line and they are integral to multiplayer to most people. Yes there are some people who play without sound on.

Why does this read like it conflicts with itself?


Dear zombie Jesus, people like to nitpick over nothing. Who cares what the gender is, it’s not integral to any part of the game. Literally trying to find something wrong with a beta that they’re slowly adding content to. Not to mention in the Warcraft universe death knights aren’t gender specific…Its already confirmed there’s skins in the game, so you can bet you’ll be able to avoid it if you’d like.

I’m pretty sure the human race has two genders (last time I checked), but you guys can fact check that one if you want.

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First off it’s conceited, not conceded. Second I’m raging because you’re trying to systematically destroy a game a cared about that’s why. You don’t give a crap about wc3. You just want to feel good in the game.

They’re not going to add full female/male models for all units. It’s too much work and the team is already behind. Maybe later they will as dlc.

It’s not lacking I gave you the consideration that they add female heroes as an option. However I don’t see the male option for the dk. End of story. Right now there is no equality. It’s a slap in the face to fans. And an indication that the retconners were right that they are liars.

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You’re right, the Undead still has 3 male heroes and 1 female hero. Female Lich anyone?

Because you don’t achieve equality in a fantasy world. A fantasy world is made up. You can make it equal or unequal at a whim. It’s a hard read for you because you’re missing critical thinking skills most people learned in high school or SATs. An achievement is something to be proud of. If I write on a piece of paper “I’m the best” that’s not an achievement.

I’d let her give me frost burn any time of day.

I’ve already said I want full 8 heroes for each faction if they’re going to do it. You’re just a low information troll at this point.

So what you’re saying is you actually can make up equality in the made up fantasy world.

This would be great, hopefully they do find the time (even post-launch) to do it.

i have spellcheck bruh. I care about warcraft. i want everyone to feel good while in the game, so ya. systematically destroy? I’m giving an option that gives everyone exactly what the want… “Disable Unit Modifications” and a “Disable Skins” check box. the option to choose whether you want to play, rp, watch, etc, m or f units. If you dont want to play as a female DK, then just choose male DK. kapeesh?

Ok fine, but just as a warning the competitive players are not going to like all the different models.

True competitive players won’t care. It doesn’t affect a single aspect of how well you do in a match. So no, they’ll be the only ones that don’t.

No they will not like multiple models because it affects game recognition. Are you even thinking?