In reading the responses posted, I would not mind new skins at all, but I would really, really appreciate the ability to only see the standard skins. Personally, I’m worried about not being able to easily follow unit types during melee. Moreover, this fantastic game is a rts and I don’t want it to emulate something like hots that is hero-centered. I want it to look and feel like wc3. I’m excited about the announcement, and I cannot wait to see what blizzard can do
I like the idea of skins It could be a fun reward for playing the game, like the profile portraits. The only concern I have with it, is that it will make it more difficult to recognize the enemy hero.
Also considering the new artstyle, it may be hard to distinguish all the units from one another, so if you had five different skins for the footman, seeing them briefly come out of the fog of war and then disappearing again, may result in you having no idea which unit it just was. Perhaps that is why they haven’t mentioned skins for normal units… They’ve only mentioned skins for heroes so far, which could be because they stand out from the army.
Thing is, we need to try the game to see if we can recognize the units, because it can be really difficult without the game in our hands. But as you’ve all said: Give an option! That pretty much eliminates the problem, if people find them distracting
I always loved games that allow customization, and I always wanted to play as another of the diverse factions portrayed in Warcraft lore like the High/Blood Elves, the Dark Horde (Second War), Naga, Burning Legion, the Forsaken, etc. so I would love if they were implemented as Army Skins for the races already in game to preserve balance, however as some players wouldn’t want them, i think the easiest solution is to add an option like “disable custom skins” before starting a game.
I actually love the idea of customizing your heroes this way, as Warcraft III pretty much is a hero-centric game, and has always been.
That being said, I am playing off of that Archmage x Jaina idea… adding something as beach outfit, just like the modern mobas like to butcher their heroes with… that would ruin absolutely everything.
Having a choice to play as Samuro, Grom, or even some other actual “Blademastery” hero instead of vanilla Blademaster… that seems fun to me.
If they were to do it, I would agree that a disabling button would be nice for those who wouldn’t want to be bothered. Either that or simple don’t allow it in tournaments.
Personally, I don’t mind the skins when used for entire armies. For example, Starcraft II has the tal’darim or purifer skins which are actually kind of neat. I’d say if the skins are in there, make them similar enough to the original models and have them all come in one. For example, if there were, say, a blood elf skin pack for humans, all affected units would embrace the pack, not just one or two. This would allow any opponent to easily distinguish in his head ‘okay, he’s using blood elf skins’ and easily adjust.
As for heroes, minor things like a female archmage or an uther head on a paladin are okay as long as they are similar enough to the model and fit in the world. I’d agree that HotS is a bad example for how to do this. If there are cosmetic hero designs, they should be minor or fit with the world or the rest of the army (Like if you are playing with blood elf skins and you want a blood elf styled paladin)
Overall, I like the idea of bringing a fluffy, thematic army to the battlefield, it could add a bit of character to the battle. Maybe I’m just too much of a Warhammer fan, but as long as cosmetic changes are subtle, lore friendly, and not too distracting, I think there is a place for them.
I agree…Tauren Chieftain Axe is bad now…we just need an axe with better graphics not a Halbers
… Tauren Chieftain has always used a halberd. If you think it was an axe, it was probably due to the model limitations and you didn’t look really hard into it. You don’t -stab- with an axe, and the length is much more like a polearm than an axe.
Also, Cairne’s weapon is called a Runespear.
You sure “Runespear” isn’t from WoW?
The name came during WoW’s time, but that is the weapon that he used from Warcraft 3, yes.
And this is a bit presumptuous so if I’m wrong, I apologize - but if you’re trying to imply that because it was named during WoW that it is invalid, that doesn’t change what it was meant to be and is in all the official art of Cairne. If that was not your implication, again, my apologies.
I don’t mind if Tauren Chieftain has an axe with a pointy spike so that he may “stab”, which seems to be how it is in the Original. Why the Triple Spear though?
And I don’t want them to bring too much from WoW to Warcraft.
In WoW Kael’thas uses Felo’melorn, which is a sword. I dont want it in W3 for Bloodmage
That is just how it’s looked in official art for years. Like looking at it, that’s an exact replica of the art of Cairne and his Runespear.
As for Felo’melorn, none of his art or models in any media have him actually carrying it, so I don’t think you’d have to worry about him getting it. Even if he did, it’d probably just be on his belt and never used - I really doubt that will change (as even in HoTS he doesn’t use a sword).
I very much disagree. If you prefer the old models and limitations the old game already exists. Any improvements to the game is welcome. Instead of writing a long post where I argue why these kind of changes are important I will instead give you a link to my existing thread Thoughts about wc3 changes
This is already the case. I’m sure Pete Stilwell has already confirmed that you will only see the “custom” skins if you want. Basically, you can toggle the extra skins on or off.