Disable trading to specific ally?

Any way to disable trading to a specific ally? I have computer slot brown, a computer, in a different force than the players. At the start of the map there is a trigger which players get allied to brown. I would like to disable so players can’t send gold or lumber to brown using the trading/allies window. Any ideas?

I’m not at my World Editor machine at the moment, but here is a brain dump of things I would try:

  1. Look in the “Set Aspect of Alliance” action to see if they have a gold sharing aspect (I forget if they do; if they do, and you can unset it, that’s the easy solution)
  2. Consider setting the transfer rate, and the transfer rate when holding SHIFT or CTRL o whatever, to 0. This will block trading gold to all allies. Then, you can add back the feature of sending gold using your own custom trigger. Maybe -send 100 0 would send 100 gold to player 0.
  3. If the players complain that the -send chat command is lame, use the new Reforged UI natives and override the Allies menu so that clicking that button spawns your own popout window instead. On your popout window, make it look similar to the Allies menu but don’t allow sending to the computer slot. This is the foolproof solution but it would be immensely time consuming. (The UI natives are kind of a hack that requires arcane Warcraft 3 specific knowledge. The real way to learn about them is to research the name Tasyen and all the information researched by the user named Tasyen and published online, because Activision sucks and didn’t post how their own API works, because they don’t know and copied the API off of a mod from China)
  4. If none of the stuff above works and you just get frustrated, then go ask people on the Hive Workshop modding site.
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I am testing your suggestion “Set Aspect of Alliance”, by changing so brown is set to “neutral with shared vision” rather than “ally with shared vision” I hope to achieve result of not being able to send gold and lumber to brown. However when I did quick test alone in singleplayer the “allies” button to open trading window was grayed out, so I will need to test with others players if it’s possible to trade with brown.