Desync what i am supposed to do?

So its been 4 years after the game realeased and there is still no answer from blizzard of why people are getting desync on start in rated matchmakings (not in a custom maps)

1/5 matches im getting desync on start of the game and losing points, ive changed 3 internets, locked my fps and its still the same. And its not my problem, literally every 3rd opponent getting desync from time to time. Its ok if you want me to download other apps to watch replays in your game or to keybind a stash, but will you give me any chance to play the game without tilting desyncs?

Some people don’t desync ever. Some people complain about desyncing all the time. This is a pretty obvious indicator that something is wrong on the desynced player’s end.

Something readable next time maybe?

There’s only really two solutions: Try a different ISP or use a VPN and try different VPN server nodes until the problem goes away.

It’s not a game bug or everyone would be desyncing.

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