Delay the game we can wait but give us what you promised to us!

I am so disappointed that story and everything was just scrapped. But at this stage where it is okay to delay the game rather than realese “this”. Game is clearly unfinished. Delay the game and give us what you promised to us (not just a boring reskin). Introduce characters like Saurfang and Vol’jin and etc. Give us new real cut scenes. And common Ilidan vs Arthas should be full CGI Cinematic not just an engine cut scene. Take 1 or 2 more years and finish it. It so much more wise to delay and finish the game rather than release this “junk”.


Vol’jin was introduced in TFT.

I know. But this doesn’t make sense at all. That he was missing in ROG and then suddenly he appeared in Rexxar TFT campaign. They should make a mission where Thrall met Vol’jin after Sen’jin death.

Delay the game, 7f0ck no to that. They can give us that after the release, no problems with me.

Report this guy for spamming please everyone.

This is literally his 3rd thread and like 20th post with something like this.

Yeah, his spam about Saurfang got on my nerves, but this is just too much. I thought he just loves Saurfang, but he’s a spammer.

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Because I am care about the game. Last year I was so exited to see the expanded story in Reforged with characters which in the timeline were there but didn’t have a pretty much screen time at all like Vol’Jin. Or were missing at all like Saurfang. This is such a shame that Blizzard don’t care about WC3 fans. They only care about Diablo and Overwarch. Delay the game or its going to be an epic fail!