Daughters of the moon Tyrande has no inventory

This also happened in the second Warsong Clan mission with Cenarius. Grom had no inventory, which means I can’t pick up any items, and all of the items I had previously are just sitting on the ground. I would be able to progress just fine through the campaign but there are several items you pick up in this mission that are extremely useful throughout the rest of the levels. Very frustrating.

I would have posted in tech support but I couldn’t start a thread there.

I should note that I am playing the classic edition of this game. I had the CDs back when that was a thing. I’m not purchasing the game again just to negate this bug.


There are many bugs in Campaign currently but what do you mean by “Classic Edition”? Hopefully not that you are on that patch delivered with said CDs?.. Because there is no different version of WC3 than you own.

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Also happens in Illidan’s mission (after he morphes, he looses inventory) and in The Awakening of Stormrage this bug makes the Primal Guardians drop their respective Orbs (Fire, Frost and Lightening).

Of course not. I have the latest update, but I am also aware that blizzard is trying to repackage the game. I’m still not sold. The graphics don’t make the game. I’m playing the legacy edition whose CD keys I uploaded to my battle net account about 7 years ago. I just recently reinstalled the game from the downloadable client through my account, and for some reason blizzard’s tinkering has rendered a game that as of last year played just fine, frustratingly buggy.

I also had an instance where the ending cutscene for the battle of Hearthglen had no knights or Uther riding in to save the day. Arthas was standing there talking to ghosts.

Also, in The Culling, Mal’Ganis decided to take a ciesta for both of the cutscenes. It’s pretty strange watching arthas argue with an empty bridge.

It seems to me that there is a bug that the cenimatic model for the hero is used in these cases where the regular model for the hero should be used. I remember playing with World Editor back in the day. The cenematic hero has no inventory where the regular model does.

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In this video I gave a technical explanation of how to fix the problem that you are describing, then I created an automated computer program that loaded every single campaign mission in the Warcraft III game and fixed the inventories of these heroes, then saved them back to a mod that I could play on 1.31 that fixed all of the hero inventories.

So we can expect that Blizzard must fix this in the next patch, or else we must email them my code for this automated script and tell them to use it.

Edit: I had not realized at the time of posting, but I periodically upload my code repo to the github mirror of my project. This mirror now includes the code written in this video:

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I see. Because you said “Classic version” and there is not really a Classic version nor Reforged.