Daily reminder - Custom Campaigns

Sure they are “working to address this” :slight_smile: Just like valve was “working to address” Half-life 3


I’m just posting that there was a response from one of the team leads, friend.

Thrilled they are working on it, however a progress update would be enough for the many that bought the reforged version specifically for this reason.

Half-Life is overrated anyway.

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Cyka blyat

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I am waiting.

I’ve started work on a custom campaign, so I’m very keen to get this back. Fortunately they said on twitter they’re going to do something about it.


And yet what makes me very concerned is that custom campaigns weren’t mentioned at all in the recent developer update that Kaivax posted.

I wouldn’t breathe a sigh of relief at anything they say anymore. I will only be satisfied once custom campaign functionality has been re-added in its entirety. I don’t understand why it was ever removed to begin with.


I guess it is more matter of when than if. It can take a year for them.

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When did Valve ever make any promises about HL3? It’s like their biggest community joke at the moment.

A daily reminder that Blizzard has stated that this is something they’re looking to fixing. Constantly bumping a post which was created under a false pretense only helps spread misinformation.

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Which is kinda the point… Woosh

It’s not really the point at all. Blizzard saying they will do something is completely different from a case where something was never promised to begin with.

Talking about this, it’s the same as Blizzard not saying anything. Didn’t you watch what was happening for the past year? Blizz made lots of promises and fulfilled… none of them, basically.


Marketing PR isn’t really a promise.

Some guy who handles the game’s current development saying they want to get custom games working again is at least better than that.

When they announced episodic addons to HL2 maybe?

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Let’s hope we receive a patch tomorrow addressing this or at least mentioning it.

Still not enough.

Nothing less than daily reminders that they are bringing back Custom Campaign. Just because they say it on a Tuesday, what’s telling that they aren’t internally changing their minds on Wednesday? We can’t bank on that silence.


I highly doubt that if this game is at the lowest priority of all their businesses. I don’t see how they would spend time and money on any new content of real substance. This game is defined as a massive reskin project, not Warcraft 4 or a new W3 expansion. Blizzard’s attitude and behavior should have told you that.

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Nah-ah. They said “We’re going to ADRESS it”
That’s not the same as fixing. Probably they are going to come out to say WHY they can’t do that.

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