As I said in the title, the custom hotkey for Purge doens’t work anymore.
It’s block on G.
It was call “Expiation”, rename in “Purge” I guess… and since when you change the hotkey in CustomKeys.txt it doesn’t work anymore. I try everything. Change the name, delete the modif position, etc.
So it’s an update bug. Appreciate if you fix it.
It is probably linked to another code now.
You should check the 4 alphanumeric code linked to it.
are you using these?
I’m not sure what you’ve written here, but the time for this was 15 years ago.
is that your attempt at helping somebody? or… what is it you are trying to accomplish here?
Hey there, WinterDryad was correct.
The ability code in CustomKeys.txt is [aprg], but the actual code for Shaman’s ability is [apg2]. Apparently Blizzard updated the spell to a new version (perhaps with a different duration setting or whatnot), hence with new code.
Just retype that code as [apg2] and you’ll solve it.
You can check all the updated hotkey codes in this cool post from GitHub:
Warcraft-3-Keybinds/CustomKeys-QWERTY-Grid.txt at master · tlo9/Warcraft-3-Keybinds · GitHub
They changed 3 or 4 codes with reforged, there is a several mb file somewhere on the internet (had it 2 years ago) with all the possible codes with the same string as title, so you can use it to discover what is mapped to in any map and adjust the keys accordingly.
2025 here had the same issue, found the fix the spell name in CustomKeys is under
that fix it for me