Could Reforged be a surprise megahit?

No, not really. It isn’t in the bags.

Was SC:R a megahit? To the people who play it, but not really anyone else.

Apex Legends, now that is a surprise megahit that really shouldn’t be a surprise.

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RTS games will never be a “Megahit”…if your definition of “Megahit” is anything like Apex or Fortnite.

I think the game will grow and be successful in its own rite, and I honestly think it will be more popular than Starcraft 2, because the SC2 team delved too deep into an Esports only model which failed its fanbase.

Warcraft 3 has always been about everyone - It’s been an esport but everyone felt like a huge part of the community, especially back in 2003-2008-9 when I was very active in the game.

If Blizz turns this into an SC2/Overwatch “ESPORTS LOL” it’ll fail, because that model doesn’t appeal to EVERYONE…but if they just remaster and let the game take care of itself, it will. Trust me - we WANT casuals from other platforms and genres to come to warcraft 3…we need the arcade/custom game people, we need the new people, we need the returning players, we need curious WoW players, we need all of that. We don’t need 10-15 more professionals…I want this to be a huge community again, so I really hope it appeals to more than just the competitive people (like myself).

I’m slowly watching Esports models destroy their own games and it’s pretty sad. Overwatch for one had a ton of potential. Oh well.


Could it be a surprise megahit? Well yes, hence the surprise part.

Realistically? Nope.

RTS is not as popular as it once was. WC3 is largely retreading old ground as well. It’ll revitalise and perhaps even grow the community in the longer term, but that’s it.

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Could it be a surprise megahit?Nope.In terms of the overall environment of the game industry and blizzard’s and Netease’s attitude towards WC3, I have to think this is more likely to be a dying reflection.My pessimistic prediction is that they will probably just stop managing the game after the last squeeze of money from the player.

Honestly, I’m way more optimistic. Reforged could take SC2’s place. SC2 is, after all, pretty old game already, and change is refreshing. How I saw it, SC was always more prone to eSports and is more popular there, but WC3 has so much more room to expand elsewhere, like custom maps and Co-op campaign (which I hope we get), etc. Reforged eSports is not impossible either.


Probably in America. But in Europe and China, it’s the other way round.

Buying WC3 EleGiggle

10-15 more pros would be huge. Immense. Immensely huge.

There still are updates coming out to SCR. And that’s with the team being heavily engaged in WC3R.

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You don’t CD or 30$ upfront to play WC3 in China. It’s free to play there with micro-transactions. Blizz is profitng from it and partnered with netease, Their platform is 10 times better than western one and they have 30-50k daily players vs 3-5k rest of the world total. It’s for China they are doing the remake…

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Man I hope OP remembers this post. LOL. New game developers have never had a better time to corner the RTS market. And honestly, I can’t wait for a good RTS.

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well… this one didn’t age well


Lol this post.

Who did this to that op?

Aged like milk


This is such a weird thing to read today. Even stranger is that it could have been, had only Blizzard showed a hint of care.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. My year old post didn’t age well at all! :sleepy:

The massive outcry from the Blizzard fans, gaming community at large, streamers AND game journalists go to show just how much people actually cared about this game. But it’s like Blizzard wasn’t really sure how well it would be received, and rather than doubling down in light of their uncertainty, they elected to skimp on budget/features in an effort to save money because they wrongfully thought this title had lukewarm prospects.

Now with hindsight being 20/20, we can all see that Blizzard missed out on a huge opportunity to indeed deliver that long awaited, community-beloved megahit. Ironically from an accounting perspective, if they had simply stayed committed to this project it would have generously netted them with the very same financial profit$ they were so concerned about- and looked to recover instead by apparently cutting development costs. More importantly, the proper attention to this game and a successful release would have finally paved the way for a Warcraft 4 RTS game- which is THE game I have been waiting for forever…

The whole thing is a tragedy, from both a gaming and business perspective.

I hope they realize their situation and earnestly keep supporting and fixing bugs. And TBH take a look at Diablo 3 which was widely panned on release, but Blizzard put more earnest development time into it post-launch, they added and removed features that weren’t working (RMAH) or were otherwise absent on launch, and now it is a very fine game. The UI and stuff today looks absolutely beautiful, and is very different from some of the UI and menus we had on initial launch.

There is still plenty of time for Blizzard to release, at least, the new UI they featured at Blizzcon 2018 for Warcraft 3: Reforged. It appears most of the concepting and coding work was complete for that already. Frankly I would really still like to see that “new” UI implemented as an option to turn on or off depending on personal favor. It looks more crisp, modern, and less clunky than the standard old UI that ended up shipping on launch.

Throw in a brand new Naga Campaign also (which very nearly happened in the original!), and you’ll have quite the comeback story.

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