Coop Missions

mmm that’s discussible^^

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Creators have plenty of resources and tools. Did you ever play a custom campaign before Reforged? Have you ever played any custom games at all, before or after?

There are tons of great maps out there that are more sophisticated than any stock map in the game.


Unfortunately no COOP topics are beyond 50 comments

Why no one is fighting here to raise this wish deeply in blizzard…

I tried to make a new topic so may it will re live it again… if only we can make votes or something like that ?

No one’s fighting for it because we don’t really need Blizzard to do it. Custom games already cover this more than adequately.


Not only that, but they also don’t restrict players from customizing the campaigns. And can be done, but it will take a lot of work.

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Plus we have World of Warcraft exactly for that. Do quests with friends.