Constantly disconnecting

Hi. I’ve been having insane disconnection issues since Reforged came out. To be clear, I have a $2,500 gaming laptop. Lightning speed internet from Verizon FiOS. I live in the center of the world - New York City. I play on EU.

I can say I disconnected two or three times from 2002-2019 on regular Warcraft 3. Since Reforged, I’ve disconnected at least 1,000 times (or about 30-40% of each game I play).

I need someone to help me understand why. I also would like to understand why Reforged is the only online game in the world that doesn’t allow players to reconnect (as old Warcraft 3 did).

Please help me. I’m a big fan of the game but it’s literally completely unplayable at this point (the last 8 games I’ve disconnected in a row).

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Howdy Nether,

There can be several different causes for disconnects that have nothing to do with your computer or the speed you are paying for. Let’s get a MTR test to help pinpoint the problem:

  1. Download WinMTR
  2. Unzip the file to your desktop
  3. Run the WinMTR as Admin
  4. Type in “host”.
  5. Click “Start” and open the game. Let the MTR test run for at least 10 minutes to capture this issue occurring.
  6. Click “Copy text to clipboard”
  7. Type two sets of four squiggly lines and then paste the contents of the WinMTR test between: ~~~~ Paste WinMTR Test Results Here ~~~~

Note: If it’s not letting you post, break links by adding a space before .com/.net, so you can post them. You can also upload the MTR contents through Pastebin and post the link (ex: Pastebin (dot) com/123456).

Hi Zenlaka. Forum rules are kind of ridiculous – I can’t reply on my own thread to you so now I’m forced to create a new one.

|                                      WinMTR statistics                                   |
|                       Host              -   %  | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last |
|        -    0 | 4840 | 4840 |    0 |    1 |  104 |    1 |
|                 -    0 | 4840 | 4840 |    1 |    5 |  216 |    6 |
   WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider ~~~~

This is what I have. I just disconnected just now. As you can see, my internet has been 100% perfect. I use Verizon FiOS so I there are only 2 lines.

It looks like there are some latency spikes to the modem. Are you using a wireless connection? If so, let’s try using an ethernet cable temporarily if possible.

Alternatively, try testing another network like a mobile hotspot to compare the difference.

Hey Zenlaka. I have the same issue when I use a cable. In fact, if I ping my router (I’m connected via 802.11ac right now; ~866.7mbps up/down with 97% signal strength according to netsh), I actually avg a 1ms ping no matter how long or frequently I run a continuous ping. Tethered with Ethernet gets me no better than that, so latency isn’t introduced within my (W)LAN. On top of that, pinging out to the 1st hop from my house ( continuously is ~3ms.

I think that 160ms that we see in the WinMTR stats is an outlier. I’ve been running WinMTR for a half-day, and avg is only 1ms despite the one time it shot up to 160ms.

What we should really be focusing in on here is that the game dropped me even though WinMTR has been continuously running, my Internet connection to Verizon is rock solid with no wireless drops for days, my roommate is streaming continuously bi-directional audio/video that’s latency sensitive for his job. And yet, Warcraft 3 drops me from playing multiple times a day, every day.

The real hangup seems to be somewhere between that 1st hop from my house and, or whatever host I’m reaching at Blizzard.

Can you do a bidirectional network assessment between Verizon at 100.41.223.x/24 and What route do you take to reach 100.41.223.x/24? Can you do a network assessment along the route to each hop to see if you can narrow down where any latency is introduced?

Thank you so much!

5 posts were split to a new topic: Icefrog - Packet loss increase as players join game

Kaldraydis. This is a post I created. I’m seeking help here. Icefrog can create his own post to seek help.

Where is Zenlaka?

Since my last post, my internet has been running GREAT. And yet, I have disconnected 12 times out of 20 games.

Zenlaka – please provide a fix for this. There are so many players who are so frustrated and want to PLAY without discing.

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Still no fix? That’s just insanity, the game is literally unplayable, I join lobby and gets randomly disconnected at some point. FIX THIS, IT SHOULDN’T BE THAT HARD, there was nothing like that before this stupid Reforged dropped out.

“3 years later”

Disconnects can be caused by a million different things, the vast majority of which cannot be fixed on the game side, and you bumped a three year old post to add a useless comment, when, if you’re having disconnect issues, the probability is extremely high it has nothing to do with the original poster’s problem from three years ago, and thus whether or not Blizzard fixed their issue, you could still have one.

There are lots of things we can be mad at Blizzard for, but disconnects are highly unlikely to be a bug with the game and are much, much, much more likely to be an issue either on your PC, or somewhere along the path your connection is taking to reach the server.