Commands not followed through when given(collect lumber etc)

at first i thought this was just lag, but its been too many games.
If you aren’t someone spamming 200+ apm, its at this point pretty clear that something is actually wrong with this game compared to TFT.
I have ghouls that sit next to the tree instead of collecting lumber if i don’t spam the command.
Rally points that don’t change despite me setting the change. And more. Units just not responding.
not sure what to make of this, but its definitely making me wish you never touched this game in the first place.

is this on melee? I play hella customs have not experienced this

I only play melee/ladder, and this happens quite frequently. Every other game or so. My apm is right around 200, but that’s irrelevant it seems, so I’m not sure why that was brought up in the OP.

It happens to me with all four races, and is most noticeable with workers. The idle worker icon will NOT show up, but workers won’t follow through with commands. When given a right-click command to mine gold, acolytes will stand directly touching the haunted gold mine, but not harvest from it. Wisps will stand at the entangled without entering, despite it not being full. Peons and peasants seem to work, however. Lumber is a different story. It’s quite common in my games for ghouls, peasants, and peons (not wisps) to simply stand touching a tree without harvesting it. Again, the idle worker icon does NOT show up.
It’s as if the units are given the command, but don’t “follow through.” My guess is that it’s not isolated to workers, but due to army/heroes being given so many commands consistently, it’s not as noticeable.