Collection portraits acquired but are greyed out

Hi! During the original launch, I beat the entire campaign on Hard and had my portrait set to The Lich King. I uninstalled it, didn’t touch the game for ages, and re-installed it a few months ago. My portrait has been reset, and I can’t change it to anything I unlocked previously.

Imgur screenshot showing it’s been completed but not selectable is here: https[:]//imgur[.]com/jP9o3oM

Edit - I’m playing the game in Reforged mode.

Make sure you’re playing on the same region you were originally playing on before, and make sure that you’re not on the PTR. your account profile is seperate by region and the PTR is also seperate.

If that doesn’t work, you can quickly go through the campaign again using the “allyourbasearebelongtous” cheat code to quickly clear the missions again, you will still unlock the achievements. Campaign progress is stored locally. I don’t think the unlocks are but I could be wrong.

Thankyou! I verified I’m in the same region and not on the PTR. The allyourbasearebelongtous trick worked. Icon has been unlocked again, thanks!