Co-Op Missions like in Starcraft 2

Do you guys see any idea on how they could make a Co-Op map that resembles a Battle Ground from WoW? I think that would fix the “lore” issue with the co-op maps.


I just hope it is not completely online , cause it would be neat if you could play it offline with the AI or a player whenever you want


Would love Co-op, story and the SC2 model, but it’s so rare in RTS that I won’t get my hopes up.

Hello all, i don’t play WoW but i remember playing Warcraft 3 back in the day and loved it.
I will buy Reforged, and would just like to add my +1 that co-op features would be an awesome addition, it could turn a great game into an absolutely epic one i.m.o. Also, did the original Warcraft 3 feature mods? and have they said anything about possibly including some kind of workshop for user-generated content if there was not one before?
I’m looking forward to them releasing more details about this remaster, it looks very promising.

Some ideas for different Commanders:


  • Uther: The Silver Hand (More powerful Priests & Knights, bonuses against Undead & Demons)
  • Jaina: Kirin Tor (More spellcasters, all troops have greater defense against magical attacks)
  • Muradin: Dwarves (Tougher, more firepower)
  • Kael’Thas: Blood Elves (Similar to TFT campaign; Archers, Ballista, etc, possibly adding things like Arcane Golems)
  • Daelin Proudmoore: Kul Tiras (Marines, Chaplains, Hydromancers [could rename them Tidesages to match with new lore], etc)


  • Thrall:
  • Fel Grom: Fel Orcs
  • Vol’jin: Trolls (Very good @ range)
  • Cairne: Tauren (Troops are stronger, but cost more resources & pop)
  • Blackrock Orc Leader: Old Horde (Ogres, Forest Trolls, Red Drakes)


  • Arthas:
  • Kel’Thuzad: Scholomance (Focus on necromancy & Abomination-like constructs, no Banshees)
  • Sylvanas: Forsaken (Dreadguard, Banshees, Dark Rangers, no Necromancers, Nerubians, or Frost Wyrms)
  • Tycondrius: Demons & Undead mix
  • Anub’arak: Nerubians (Can tunnel for surprise attacks)

Night Elves

  • Malfurion: Cenarion Circle (More nature stuff)
  • Tyrande: Sentinels (Less nature, more Elune)
  • Maeiv: Watchers (Shadowy & stealthy)
  • Illidan: Highborne (Arcane instead of nature)


  • Mannoroth: The Burning Legion (Felguard, Felhounds, Doomguard, Infernals, etc)
  • Lady Vashj: Naga
  • Akama: Draenei

Further in the future after WC3R has been around for a few years:

  • Various WoW characters like Genn Greymane leading Worgen or Gallywix leading Goblins

I’d love this concept.

I think they could do way more than just basing a subfaction on each Hero and doing something basic like ‘Tauren Chieftain Horde commander’ with a bunch of fancier Tauren units. We already have that choice in the game.

I think they could go way more with all the Warcraft lore we’ve gotten from WoW, Chronicles, the novels, the manga and more.

I’d love to see Rend Blackhand’s Dark Horde. I’d love to see a Green Dragon hero for the Night Elves. I’d love to see a 7-Nation Army Alliance that emphasizes the 7 kingdoms from Warcraft 2, like Gilneas and Kul Tiras.

Or they could go with a unique faction with each commander release. There’s always the Naga and Legion, but what about the Illidari? Or Goblins? Or maybe we take some inspiration from WoW and have a Firelord lead an army of Dark Irons and Flamewalkers. Or a Silithid army!

So much possibilities here, they can easily add other race´s with a unique playstyle and Units because they can balance them only for this mode and let melee as competitive as it is with 4 races.

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Give the heroes dialogue between eatchother for more immersion

Arthas could begin as a death knight and later he transform into the lich king

jaina with frost spells


After they are finished with the game they said in interview We’ll look into new game modes.

Well Blizzard, I dunno how much feedback will you that what you get from us will you take into a consideration now but, I all want you to know is, we would like coop and probably pay for new comanders like in Star2, that and new compaigns.
Both prequels and Sequels…

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Hell yeah, co-op would be amazing for Wc3. Introduce new named characters of standard units and such that may one day become HotS heroes (like they did with Lt. Morales from Sc2 etc). But just add more fun flavour in general. (Of course, HotS is not the motivator here lmao.)

There’s just so much wacky s**t you can do with co-op that I highly encourage the team to work out a co-op system once the core stuff and such is done.

And if they really want to stay engaged, hold map making competitions every now and then, doesn’t have to be often but where the community can create maps they’d love to see as co-op missions. One map wins and becomes an official map. (If it qualifies of course) Would be awesome imo.

I really think this would be cool.

Yeah like they did it with Starcraft 2 and there are so many talented map makers out there there would be a Monthly new map for us even Blizzard no longer ships new Maps for Coop.

Its a good idea and everything but for a 30 bucks remaster seems like to much work to make it worth.

thats why they get the 30 bucks just for the main game with all it´s Content after that they can still monetize it with new coop commanders like in SC2 for 5 bucks each or new campaign´s, Skins for Heroes etc.

Maybe it will be 30 bucks for the campaign and another 30 or so for the Co-op? I just hope it is playable offline and the “heroes” wil have dialogue between eatchother.

And as an extra that the enemies are the other heroes you can choose from. that have either been brainwashed or something with the big bad (burning legion/dreadlords) hiding in the shadows

No, i don´t think Coop will cost a extra 30 bucks, the game alone Costs 30 bucks so they Need to make it a free update and make lets say 2 commanders/heroes each race and make additional one to monetize them each for like say 5bucks like in Starcraft 2, making coop behind a Paywall for 30 bucks is insane.

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I agree but you never know… activision (said in a very dramatic way)

Sure, but in the Hands of the classic Team i think they doing fine and they will choose wisely how they want to monetize it.

I hope so :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I hope they add this feature too, its one of the best modes in sc2.