Classic Main Menu Background Idea

I think everyone would like for classic graphics to have the original ROC or FT main menu background. Perhaps even a choice for ROC or FT background in the settings. I am not sure if this is entirely possible though now that the main menu is chromium.

Also, something may need adjusted buttons for original Warcraft 3 were on right side, but on Reforged they’re on left side, and so the original Warcraft 3 ROC background in Reforged would cause the flag to be blocked. But perhaps if classic graphics is enabled, it also gives the original menu layout on the right side, and chat could be in the bottom left.

Also, for the Reforged backgrounds, an option in settings to choose between all the different Reforged campaign backgrounds for main menu would be pretty sweet. There was a 3rd party program that could do this in the original warcraft 3. I enjoyed having the animated Arthas for my main menu.

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I posted about this case years ago. Blizz doesn’t seem to care at all. Old 3D menu was so much better than those cheap drawings. Why?? All you have to do is give us the ability to switch to classic version. It can’t be this hard to do.

The current main menu visual is still 3D, and you really didn’t need to bump a 4 year old thread to say bascially the same thing that was said before. Make a new thread instead. And those “cheap drawings” are not new to Reforged.

While there are other areas and reasons where I would agree with the “do not care” statement, the main menu looks fine and to suggest “they don’t care” (or rather didn’t care, because this happened years and years ago) purely because you don’t like the menu backgrounds is beyond insane. The menu backgrounds look fine.

I consider a good idea! :slight_smile:

what is the problem if the idea is old?
Also Cold fusion is an idea from 1956 - and is a very good idea, just for the moment still not possible because other focus on making weapons, waging wars but not cheap energy!

As a note, one of my YouTube videos here: features in the last minute or so of the video an actual live footage recording of Reforged system with old 2003 frozen throne background.

I did not move around the menu button functionalities, but instead changed the background visual art file only. Despite CaptainJack’s claim that he feels the new background is “still 3D” visually, it is nevertheless true that the new system renders a video file on loop while the old system rendered an animated 3D model using the graphics processor of the local computer. You guys could argue about the merits of designing a system one way or the other all day, but how I made what was shown in this video was by simply hacking the Frozen Throne game so that it would never show the menu buttons, then running a screen record of that to make a video file, then feeding that video file to Reforged.

So, it takes like honestly maybe an hour or two to put Frozen Throne background on there. Also, swapping out the Reforged game logo with the Frozen Throne game logo was similarly easy. Moving the buttons to the right side of the screen would be harder since the menu code is obfuscated JavaScript now instead of UI template definition files. I have moved the old Frozen Throne buttons from right to left by editing the X and Y in the frame template definition files, but doing the reverse and moving Reforged buttons to the position of Frozen Throne buttons is probably hard.

But yeah swapping out some .webm video file for a different one is cheese easy, since the new menu is just a 2D web system rendering a video file on loop.

It’s generally bad practice on any internet forum, that is why the forum software itself calls out when there is a large time gap between posts. If literal years pass without any posts, generally that means the discussion is finished and it shouldn’t be bumped without something substantial to contribute.

While technically true, it is the same backgrounds as before. The fact that it’s now essentially pre-rendered instead of being rendered in real time is irrelevant.

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Honestly, what baffles me about the whole thing is how they reverted to a RoC-aesthetic main menu when you can’t actually play RoC anymore lol. I want my snowy frozen throne menu with the water splashing against the glaciers and the snowy sounds back.

Yes me also, I wanted a Vanilla Frozen throne as it was after few balance patches back in 2004-2005.
So they could make a menu at beginning (as I saw for red alert) where you can select: Frozen vs Reforged. Than if choose Frozen old game is back again with patches etc.

Of course for multiplayer is little bit messy handling 2 different patches, but they could make instead of US/EU/ASIA server another idea is to make two global servers: one for Frozen (all regions) and another for Reforged (all regions).

Further the development could focus 99% of the time on Reforged - introducing new abilities (like they done very nicely with Gargs-Prioritize stuff).

But instead of having a good plan Activision decided to outsource.
Lemon Sky Studios (from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) drew new unit graphic models - that overwrite original models + a new menu => game development is done!

I was actually sorta thinking that it would switch to the frozen throne background when you got to frozen throne in the campaign, but I guess not lol

Maybe it would be a good idea to make the background art display in sepia color like an old photograph instead of in full color if the player was using the Classic Graphics mode. That way, they know they are an oldie, like an old photograph.

Wherever did you get that idea… oh wait

I laughed, but then I cried.