Changing gender of Popular Wc3 Heroes

this isnt’ even a gender discrimination/inclusion thing!

it’s literally just an update to the lore and giving us something new! not all demon hunters are male - we know that from lore. not all death knights are male - we know that from lore.

all good :slight_smile:


Who cares about WoW? It’s Warcraft 3. As for me, I wish WoW never happened, it butchered Warcraft lore way too much. Example is male and female for everything, and I see from some time that there is more female even in simple soldier formations. I’m sick of it, Warcraft 3 had perfect proportions in this matter and Blizzard will ruin it with feminism, as they have ruined WoW.


lol you know the two storylines are in conjunction with each other right? you know wow affects warcraft 4’s future the same way warcraft 1, 2 & 3 affect wow right?

I’ll even throw another wrench into your machine - the books also play a major role in the warcraft franchise too…so if there’s something ridiculous written in there it’ll also directly influence warcraft RTS/WOW future too.

so yeah dismissing wow as not affecting warcraft rts lore is pretty ridiculous my dude…


Funny you say that, because classic world of Warcraft players have the same view on retail lol

Also how is adding randomized gender options promoting feminism. If anything its expanding the game as a whole and adding to the role play aspects. If it was just making ALL characters female instead of male I would see a point.

You can litterly play as Arthas and Illidian in multiplayer (once its out) so the female skins are just extra.


It’s promoting classical (good) feminism rather than modern (bad) feminism. I don’t have a problem with random male/female no-name hero units.


Yeah darn that… 2004 feminism. Where classes weren’t gender locked.


You make some wild assumptions from just two datamined icons.

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What’s the problem? Can’t be a death knight a female? Or a demon hunter be a female? No females were killed by the scourge then? There’s a hero called dark ranger but it’s certainly a male in disguise i guess and as far as i know one of these dark ranger heroes is rumoured to play a big role in Frozen Throne campaign, Windrunner something, i don’t recall “his” full name right now. Jaina is a female archmage and i don’t see you complaining about her. There can’t be any female archmages? A female warden is a problem for you too? Because If yes i have bad news for you…


Wow, you don’t say!

And how does it change my statement, that World of Warcraft has butchered and ridiculed Warcraft lore instead of expand it in good way, like RTS series does up to TFT?

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I mean, eh. If you want to get specific and point to like Cataclysm onwards there’s some really shaky moments or more blatant stuff. But there’s also fun and interesting along the way as well. A lot of problems with inconsistent characters and sometimes out-of-left-field or stranger story beats I think came with the scale of the genre hop. RTS to MMO is a lot less laser-focused. Or at least Blizzard’s approach to it in comparison to something like, say, Final Fantasy 14 which took the direct narrative approach.

A lot of stuff got away from them in both scale and stuff like power levels/threats. It would be interesting if they did something like Cataclysm (in terms of updating zones and hauling them up in the timeline to reflect events) to the world every 2 or 3 expansions, but they keep branching out to unexplored and uncharted stuff. The end result being kind of a high fantasy comic book where yeah, you’ll probably get worked up if you look at it too closely (or not, like how Tyrande is just - absent now despite having good reasons to be involved) but if you just roll with it, you can always at least find something to personally enjoy from it.

Even if it’s not something that’s going to be critically acclaimed or universally praised.

I’ve bought prepaid for WoW after long time, because I was bored, and that’s what more or less I see. Main male characters are depicted as spineless and incompetent (with few exceptions), females are opposite to them and are more in numbers. But what I meant in my previous post were simple soldiers - grunts, footman, rangers, etc. I don’t know what algoritm Blizzard put in this game, but I’m really sure that there are more female soldiers than male.

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Yes, I know there are some good pieces in WoW, but still overall RTS is much better storywise. We are stick with WoW for 15 years and this put a really big (negative) toll on story.


I’m going to beat this horse dead and I’m going to make everyone watch me.

World of Warcraft is the primary method of delivery for Warcraft lore. It’s a multimedia series and has been for a long time now. There’s comics, novels, short stories, video games, and animatics. The canon status of some of this stuff is either outdated (many elements from all three of the RTS games) or entirely deemed non-canon (such as the tabletop RPG).

Narrowing any critique of how the universe and its characters are handled to just the MMO is biased. For instance, I wish they actually told more story and had more character development within the MMO. Instead, Blizzard continues to not do interesting content patches to better bridge their expansions to one another. They’ve usually relegated that stuff to novels like The Shattering or War Crimes or Before the Storm. Which I consider nonsense because more people play the game than I think read the novels, so why relegate that typically important experience to the niche.

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downlplaying the importance of lore in a game FRANCHISE that’s existed since the what, mid 90’s, is pretty ridiculous.

Yeah most people dont’ read the books…yeah the WoW storyline is completely jacked up…but lore is kinda what brought warcraft 3 to even be…if they’d have thrown out lore and not been consistant in their franchise, i don’t think we would even be having this discussion.

Second, I think people assuming that there’s a huge chunk of people that play the game and DON’T care about lore, is just innacurate. That’s actually one of the biggest topics in Warcraft right now as we speak…the adding and taking away of races, the story of wow as it plays out and even the novels will directly influence the RTS future too. Blizzard loves their lore, and i don’t think for the sake of putting out a game, they’re going to bypass the formula they’ve kept going for so long.

Oh I’d also like to point out that night elves are now part of the horde too - Highborne are horde based. While Tyrande and company are not highborne, that kinda throws a wrench into things.

Sad thing is, I’m primarily a warcraft 3 player, so seeing all this is annoying to me too…but let’s get real - warcraft is gonna go through changes…a lot of them. and this small community we got here in our lovely war3 world is going to have to accept it like everyone else.

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The only people who say this have never read any of the books or alternative media. In other words, idiots.

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They did throw our lore. They threw out half of Warcraft 1 for Warcraft 2’s lore and then threw out half of Warcraft 2 for Warcraft 3’s lore.

You’re thinking the Nightborne. Highborne either all drowned, turned into naga, went into hiding, or took their exile to Quel’Thalas and became Quel’dorei.

I’ve read books, and still don’t like it. Something more to say?


Because the events in the books would not make for compelling gameplay. Most of the time the books explore the political side of the conflict rather than the action-adventure side.

Nobody’s going to fire up WoW just to find an NPC to watch machinima, either.

Like it or not, the books are the only real way to get the story out there. If you’re a lore enthusiast you should have been reading the books anyway.

The games are the primary lore delivery vehicle that all other forms of Wacraft media is derived from and based on.
The novels and comics are bridging various games or retelling less gameplay-y events like The Last Guardian which is all from Khadgar’s perspective during the events of Warcraft: Orcs and Humans. In addition those novels and comics are of questionably canonicity at times considering all the bloody retcons.

Back on topic: I hope it’s random but ideally it has a toggle, what sex your hero is.
I’d love if you could full-on customize it for every hero class but that’s a pipe-dream.
So I’ll list my more preferences in order, 0 naturally being extremely unlikely:

0*: Set male/female/random for every multi-sex unit/hero individually. (Naturally this excludes sex specific heroes such as a Priestess of the Moon, Warden, Keeper, Cryptlord, Naga Sea Witch, etc)

1: Random is the default but you can toggle.
2: Full Random.
3: You can hire the variant at your altar and hiring of either sex disables the other sex as well so you can’t double up obviously. (though might make for a dumb-fun custom map, stacking 2-3 of the same hero)
4: Static per hero type… which would suck cus while I like the female DH and DK based on their portraits, losing their male counterparts with their classic voice lines would be terrible.