Can't watch downloaded replays in MacOS

I can’t watch downloaded replays in my Macbook. I asked the question in the forum and didn’t get any feedback: No replays shown in MacOs
Duplicating it here:

I switched on automatic replay saving and can see it under ~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays/Autosaved

I moved downloaded replays at ~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays. However, I don’t see anything in Warcraft, only LastReplay.
I tried to change permissions to be the same as for LastReplay, but didn’t help

I tried to manually create a folder under Documents and copied all the *.w3g files there - it didn’t help.

~ find ~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays -name "*.w3g"                          
~/Library/Application Support/Warcraft III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays/SimmonsCcTidehunters.w3g
~/Library/Application Support/Warcraft III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays/Autosaved/Multiplayer/Replay_2024_07_15_1417.w3g

I also tried everything that ChatGPT suggested.
I made sure my downloaded files have correct permissions and ownership:

chmod 644 *.w3g
chown $(whoami) *.w3g

I copied the replays in all folders that in my opinion could be used by the game:

~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays
~/Library/Application\ Support/Blizzard/Warcraft\ III/Movies 
~/Library/Application\ Support/Blizzard/Warcraft\ III/Maps
~/Documents/Warcraft\ III/BattleNet/1169780110/Replays
~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/Replay
~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/Replays
~/Library/Application\ Support/Warcraft\ III/CustomMaps

I also made sure I have the latest WC3 version and the replay is today’s, so no versions incompatibility should be involved.

Cleaning up the only related cache I found also didn’t help

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/                 
rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/

And I din’t find any related Errors or Warning, only something related to a deprecated component

grep -Hrn "Warning|Error" ~/Library/Application\ Support/