Can't wait to see the cutscenes of this reforged

And I hope it will look more or less like this:


This video mixes also the fight and its ending in one cinematic.

It should be different ingame as you control the events during the battle. But there could be something cool at beginning and at the end.

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Didn’t they say they’re not remaking the cinematics and they’ll just port them from the old game


Man this post gave me hope lol, I thought I might be mistaken. But alas…it seems we must accept this.

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This one looks better imo (apart from the fighting moves)

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What do you mean? This is a cutscene not a cinematic. They promised 4 hours of reforged cutscenes. It’s the CGI cinematics that aren’t being remade.


So many people are saying the Reforged Cutscenes are Scrapped.
If this game scrapped the new Voices, things for the Campaign, fitting with WoW Lore, Graphics, the new UI and the 4 hours of Reforged Cutscenes… What this game will be? Warcraft 3 with Bnet,Models,Houses,Icons and Spells effects new? That for this expensive price?.. Bring back all the content promised! Warcraft 3 needs the Reforged! Even if this take a long time, but bring that things to the game! And please improve the Graphics,Terrain,Lighting and the UI!

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Didn’t they say they’re not remaking the cinematics and they’ll just port them from the old game

Yes, they did. However still some either can’t read it, denies the truth or simply being stupid/likes to dream.

No. They are still remaking the cinematics. They are not just ‘porting’ them. They are not making exactly what we saw in 2018, but there are still new things.

People are making wrong conclusions about some random extracts from various interviews.

This actually is great news, I was so disappointed because I thought they’re leaving that behind too along with so many other features. You just made my day Miss/Mister!

It wont.
They have said they’ll “keep the old camera work” and the character will have the fantastic new option of “pointing” as they talk.
How immersive!

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All of those videos are made by amateurs. Sure I can’t do what they did but Blizzard Entertainment work and quality are much better than these fan made videos