Can't reload saved multiplayer games?

My friend just recently bought WC3 to play co-op games with me. We started play the custom game Warchasers and when we went to load the saved game, I could not invite him to the game. the Open slots were “grey” and did not allow me to invite. The whole reason he bought this game was to play with me and we would like to be able to continue our matches together… I’m reading online that this is an issue and nobody can play saved co-op games. Blizz, this needs to be fixed… Please.

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I’m also having this problem :frowning:

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Did they try to join the game manually? D

What do you mean manually? I had a ticket and they went through every option they thought of.

As in, join by typing the name into the custom game browser instead of joining by an invite.

Yeah, we tried that. It doesn’t show up when he types it in.

if you’d like you can add me and we can try testing this to see if who is playing matters.